Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor David McManus, Councillor Baby Pereppadan
• To change the Knocklyon designation from a District Centre to a Village Centre, to give a focal point to the residents and visitors of this vast area.
The Village Centre zoning as set out in the County Development Plan is reflective of the form and layout of these centres resulting from their historic role as village centres, in many cases relating back to a specific industry or agricultural role within which the village was central.
As new development occurred or older residential areas developed, new centres arose based largely on a set form which revolved around retail typically with associated car parking. These centres are typically given the zoning of local centres or district centres depending on their function within the retail hierarchy. The retail hierarchy is set to a large extent by the relevant guidelines and regional strategy. Section 9.4.2 of the CE Draft Plan notes that ‘the Retail Planning Guidelines for Planning Authorities, DECLG (2012) and the retail hierarchy set out in the RSES, form the basis for retail planning in South Dublin. The Retail Planning Guidelines for Planning Authorities seek to ensure that the planning system continues to play a key role in supporting competitiveness in the retail sector. The Guidelines and the Retail Strategy set out the different roles for different type of centres. This includes district and local centres. District Centres are indicated as; ‘They provide a range of retail and non-retail service functions (e.g. banks, post office, local offices, restaurants, public houses, community and cultural facilities) for the community at a level consistent with the function of that centre in the core strategy. They can be purpose built as in new or expanding suburbs or traditional district centres in large cities or town.’
The county’s villages are categorised as local centres (level 4) in the retail hierarchy, as is Knocklyon shopping centre.
This hierarchy is reflected in the land use zoning objectives for each of the identified areas. That is, there is a Town Centre zoning, a District Centre zoning, a Village Centre Zoning and a Local Centre Zoning. Depending on which zoning applies to which area different use classes are permitted reflecting their scale and function. The plan includes objectives for all of the different centres including:
EDE8 Objective 4 ‘To support the viability and vitality of the existing retail centres in the County, in particular in town, village and district centres and to facilitate a competitive and healthy environment for the retail industry, while reinforcing sustainable development.’ And
EDE14 Objective 1: ‘To support the development and enhancement of local centres as sustainable, multifacted, retail led mixed use centres, enhancing local access to daily needs, which do not adversely impact on or draw trade from higher order retail centres’
The CE Draft also includes objective EDE 8 Objective 2:
To ensure that the Retail Strategy for South Dublin County is reviewed and updated, where required, in a timely manner following the completion of any updated Regional Retail Strategy, consistent with RPO 6.10 and 6.11
The Plan notes that ‘In recognising that the last Regional Retail Strategy was carried out for the Greater Dublin Region in 2008 under Regional Planning Guidelines, RPO 6.10 of the RSES supports the preparation of an updated Retail Strategy/Strategies for the Region in accordance with the Retail Planning Guidelines for Planning Authorities 2012. Any such Strategy will include a review of the retail hierarchy and retail floorspace requirements for the Region’.
Once the updated Guidelines are available a full review of the existing retail hierarchy and associated zonings will be carried out. It is at this point that the District and Village and Local Centre Zonings and their location in the County will be reviewed and any necessary variations to the CDP carried out.
It is recommended that the motion is adopted with amendment to reflect that a review will be carried out in line with existing objectives in the Plan:
EDE 8 Objective 2:
To ensure that the Retail Strategy for South Dublin County is reviewed and updated, where required, in a timely manner following the completion of any updated Regional Retail Strategy, consistent with RPO 6.10 and 6.11