South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor Alan Edge

H3 Objective 4, to delete the text as drafted and amend as follows: 'To preserve lands designated OS save in exceptional circumstances where a community led housing development for older people in an established area is proposed and (I) there is no alternative brownfield or other serviced or serviceable site available in the area and (ii) where the quality and quantum of remaining public open spaces is deemed to be adequate and the amenities of the area are preserved'.


The motion seeks to delete the text under H3 Objective 4 and amend as follows:

From: ‘To support community led housing developments for older people in established areas on lands designated with Zoning Objective “OS” (To preserve and provide for open space and recreational amenities), where the quality and quantum of remaining public open space is deemed to be adequate and the amenities of the area are preserved.’

To: 'To preserve lands designated OS save in exceptional circumstances where a community led housing development for older people in an established area is proposed and (I) there is no alternative brownfield or other serviced or serviceable site available in the area and (ii) where the quality and quantum of remaining public open spaces is deemed to be adequate and the amenities of the area are preserved'

It is considered that the amended wording is acceptable subject to amendment to reflect that ‘residential’ is also an open for consideration category of land use on open space lands. The proposed amendment would ensure that both community led housing developments for older people and social and affordable housing would only be located on OS zoned lands where the remaining open space is deemed to be adequate and the amenities of the area are preserved. 

RECOMMENDATION:   It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment such that H3 Objective 4 reads:

‘To support community led housing developments for older people and social and Council affordable housing in established areas on lands designated with Zoning Objective “OS” (To preserve and provide for open space and recreational amenities), only where the quality and quantum of remaining public open spaces is deemed to be adequate and the amenities of the area are preserved'