Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor C. King
Chapter 9: Economic Development & Employment - 9.2.2 Amend EDE4 Objective 11: To support the regeneration of the Tallaght LAP lands in a co-ordinated and sustainable manner in accordance with the Tallaght Town Centre LAP 2020 or any superseding plan whilst ensuring the lands Particularly Cookstown, remains a sustainable employment area to ensure environmentally short journeys to places of employment and to ensure the residential impact of the regen zoning does not instigate the decline in the employment capacity and sustainability of the area.
EDE4 Objective 11 currently states ‘To support the regeneration of the Tallaght LAP lands in a co-ordinated and
sustainable manner in accordance with the Tallaght Town Centre LAP 2020 or any superseding plan.’
The motion proposes to amend as follows;
To support the regeneration of the Tallaght LAP lands in a co-ordinated and sustainable manner in accordance with the Tallaght Town Centre LAP 2020 or any superseding plan whilst ensuring the lands particularly Cookstown, remains a sustainable employment area to ensure environmentally short journeys to places of employment and to ensure the residential impact of the regen zoning does not instigate the decline in the employment capacity and sustainability of the area.
The Tallaght Local Area Plan was adopted in June 2020 and sets out development management parameters which are used to adjudicate planning applications. The LAP promotes the sustainable development of the Regen Lands by facilitating a more intensive land-uses to accommodate higher density residential and employment uses.
The provisions for EDE4 Objective 11 are noted and also the provisions of QDP13 Objective 1.
QDP13 Objective 1 – To support a plan led approach through Local Area Plans in identified areas by ensuring that development complies with the specific local requirements of the Local Area Plan, having regard to the policies and objectives contained in this Development Plan and ministerial guidelines.
It is further noted that the Tallaght LAP includes policy to encourage the retention and integration of existing business into the future development of the area.
It is considered that motion should be adopted subject to amendment whereby the provisions of the Tallaght Town Centre Local Area Plan as supported by EDE4 Objective 11 and the policies and objectives of Chapters 5 QD13 Objective 1of the CE Draft Plan capture the overall aim of the proposed motion.
It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to reflect that the provisions set out in the CE Draft Plan EDE4 Objective 11 which supports the adopted Tallaght Local Area Plan and QDP13 Objective 1 Chapters 5 are sufficient to provide for the intent of the motion.