South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor Shane Moynihan

To amend the development plan - Chapter 6, H8, Obj 3 to remove 'as appropriate'


The Motion seeks to amend Chapter 6 policy H8 Objective 3 as follows (highlighted in bold and strikethrough below):

From: To enhance the recreational value of open spaces that serve existing residential areas as part of any future infill developments, as appropriate.’

To: To enhance the recreational value of open spaces that serve existing residential areas as part of any future infill developments, as appropriate.’ 

The intent of the motion is noted. Infill development comes in various sizes, each to their own in terms of context and site characteristics and space to enhance recreational value of open space. In this context, the words ‘as appropriate’ recognises the case-by-case scenario that infill development presents throughout the County.

It is important to also recognise that proposals, including infill, must be assessed in the context of the public open space policies, objectives, and quantitative and qualitative standards set out in Chapter 8: Community Infrastructure and Public Open Space and Chapter 13: Implementation and Monitoring.

The removal of the text under this motion is therefore considered unreasonable. It is however considered that the motion could be adopted with amendment whereby Objective H8 Objective 3 would read as follows:

To enhance the recreational value of open spaces that serve existing residential areas as part of any future infill developments or where appropriate provide for the upgrade of others parks in the immediate area (applying the 10-minute concept) or financial contribution in lieu, as part of future infill developments where a proposed development is not capable of providing the full open space standards on site.


It is recommended that this motion is not adopted with amendment such that H8 Objective 3 reads as follows:

To enhance the recreational value of open spaces that serve existing residential areas as part of any  future infill developments or where appropriate provide for the upgrade of others parks in the immediate area (applying the 10-minute concept) through a financial contribution in lieu, where a proposed development is not capable of providing the full open space standards on site.