Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
COS 8 SLO: To identify an emerging site for the appropriate location of an additional post primary school in the north west of Adamstown SDZ to provide for future needs identified for the catchment area by the Department of Education and Skills following on from updated census data in 2023.
The motion requests a SLO ‘to identify an emerging site for the appropriate location of an additional post-primary school in the north west of Adamstown SDZ to provide for future needs identified for the catchment area by the Department of Education and Skills following on from updated census data in 2023.’
The Adamstown SDZ has two remaining school sites at Tandy’s Lane and within the Aderrig tile to the west. Tandy’s lane has permission for a primary school (Reg. Ref. SDZ21A/0001).
The Planning Department liaised with the Department of Education and Skills (DES) in relation to the provision primary and post-primary school places throughout the County during the Development Plan period. The DES carry out their assessment of need based on the potential growth set out under the Core Strategy for each School Planning Area (SPA). The DES have advised, in the preparation of the CE Draft Plan, that school symbol sites identified on the Land-Use zoning map can cater for the forecasted growth for the Development Plan period.
The Planning Department will continue to liaise with the Department of Education and Skills (DES) over the course of the Development Plan period. This continued engagement is reflected under the following Policy and Objective.
Policy COS 8(a)
Work in conjunction with the Department of Education and Skills to promote and support the
provision of primary and post-primary schools in the County to reflect the diverse educational
needs of communities.
Policy COS 8(b)
Engage with the Department of Education and Skills and to support the Department’s School
Building Programme by actively identifying sites for primary and post primary schools at suitable
‘COS 8 Objective 1:To reserve sites for primary and post-primary school provision in developing areas through the
Development Plan, Local Area Plans, Planning Schemes and masterplans, in consultation with the
Department of Education and Skills and to ensure that designated sites are in accessible, pedestrian, cycle and public transport friendly locations, consistent with NPO 31 of the NPF and RPO 9.21 of the RSES.’
The Adamstown SDZ is an adopted planning scheme which includes the identification of school sites already included. The Development Plan cannot amend the SDZ Planning Scheme. However, in terms of this motion, there remains a school site within the scheme for any required need.
Recommendation: It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to reflect that the intent of the motion is contained in Policy COS 8(a), Policy COS 8(b), and COS 8 Objective 1.
Policy COS 8(a)
Work in conjunction with the Department of Education and Skills to promote and support the
provision of primary and post-primary schools in the County to reflect the diverse educational
needs of communities.
Policy COS 8(b)
Engage with the Department of Education and Skills and to support the Department’s School
Building Programme by actively identifying sites for primary and post primary schools at suitable
COS 8 Objective 1:
To reserve sites for primary and post-primary school provision in developing areas through the
Development Plan, Local Area Plans, Planning Schemes and masterplans, in consultation with the
Department of Education and Skills and to ensure that designated sites are in accessible, pedestrian, cycle and public transport friendly locations, consistent with NPO 31 of the NPF and RPO 9.21 of the RSES.