South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor William Joseph Carey, Councillor Derren Ó Brádaigh

Chapter 5 - QUALITY DESIGN & HEALTHY PLACEMAKING - Policy 1- Successful and Sustainable Neighbourhoods (Page 133) Insert New Objective: To build residential neighbourhoods in a manner that aims to provide for adequate numbers of affordable homes in line with provisions set out in Goal 11 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the National Planning Framework and the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy toward delivery of long-term sustainable communities.


Goal 11 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in relation to housing in particular sets out the following target:

“Safe and Affordable Housing – By 2030, ensure access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services and upgrade slums.”

In respect to affordability, the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage published the Affordable Housing Bill in January 2021 which provides for the introduction of three new schemes delivering on the Programme for Governments commitment to put affordability at the heart of the housing system and prioritise the increased supply of affordable homes. Following the publication and enactment of the above into law, the Council shall review this Housing Strategy and Interim HNDA and update, as required.

In accordance with the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended), and in compliance with national and regional policies and objective, a Housing Strategy and Interim Housing Needs Demand Assessment (HNDA) for South Dublin has been prepared and is contained within Appendix 11 of the Draft County Development Plan. This sets out the housing targets for the County. This will be updated as necessary to define the level and type of affordable housing needed in line with guidelines and methodology on HNDA.

It is considered that the motion is acceptable and reflects wider government policy and the objectives set out in the Development Plan.


It is recommended that this motion is adopted.

Insert new objective under Policy 1- Successful and Sustainable Neighbourhoods (Page 133) to read:

To build residential neighbourhoods in a manner that aims to provide for adequate numbers of affordable homes in line with provisions set out in Goal 11 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the National Planning Framework and the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy toward delivery of long-term sustainable communities.