South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor Joanna Tuffy

To amend paragraph in Chapter 7 - 7.6.2. under heading 'Luas to Lucan' (page 96) amend last sentence to include words "serving Lucan village" so that the sentence ends "serving Lucan village, Liffey Valley and Ballyfermot along this route.


Paragraph 7.6.2 ‘Rail’ of Chapter 7 ‘Sustainable Movement’ currently states the following:

‘The NTA strategy provides for the extension of the Luas to Lucan, which will deliver a high-capacity radial service from this area to the City Centre, sufficient to cater for the high transport demand along this corridor.  The Luas will extend, subject to a preferred route, into the centre of Lucan’s large residential areas to the south of the N4 and will connect to the city centre serving Liffey Valley and Ballyfermot along its route.’

The motion seeks the addition of a reference to ‘Lucan Village’ so that the sentence in question reads as follows:

‘The Luas will extend, subject to a preferred route, into the centre of Lucan’s large residential areas to the south of the N4 and will connect to the city centre serving Lucan Village, Liffey Valley and Ballyfermot along its route.’

The wording in the Plan was informed by the NTA Transport Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area 2016-2035, which states the following with regard to the Luas to Lucan:

‘Luas to Lucan, providing a high capacity link into the centre of Lucan’s large residential areas to the south of the N4 national road, and connecting to the city centre’.

It also states:

‘In terms of new infrastructure, the requirement to serve north and central Lucan, as well as areas such as Ballyfermot, has led to the proposal for a new Luas line linking to Dublin City Centre’.

It further states:

‘It is intended to develop an east-west Luas line, commencing in the residential areas of Lucan to the south of the N4 national road, and connecting into Dublin City Centre. This will provide a high capacity radial service from this area to the City Centre, sufficient to cater for the high transport demand along this corridor, and will serve Lucan, Liffey Valley and Ballyfermot along its route’.

The GDA strategy is somewhat ambiguous about the area of Lucan to be served, making reference to north, central and south Lucan.  However, on the basis of the wording in the GDA Strategy ‘the requirement to serve north and central Lucan’, it is considered reasonable to include reference to Lucan Village.  All of this will be examined as part of the GDA Transport Strategy Review which is currently underway.  SDCC is engaging with the NTA as part of this process.


It is recommended that the motion is adopted.

Insert the words ‘Lucan Village’ in the second sentence under the heading ‘Luas to Lucan’ in section 7.6.2 so that it reads as follows:

‘The Luas will extend, subject to a preferred route, into the centre of Lucan’s large residential areas to the south of the N4 and will connect to the city centre serving Lucan Village, Liffey Valley and Ballyfermot along its route.’