Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor Carly Bailey
To consider the need for housing units to provide enough space to allow for individuals to work from home, particularly in light of the Covid-19 pandemic and restrictions imposed upon the working population.
The motion is to consider the need for housing units to provide enough space to allow for individuals to work from home, particularly in light of the Covid-19 pandemic and restrictions imposed upon the working population.
As per Chapter 13, 13.5.4 Residential Standards, all houses must comply with or exceed the minimum floor area standards contained in the Quality Housing for Sustainable Communities Guidelines, DEHLG (2007) and should also be designed to provide adequate room sizes that create good quality and adaptable living spaces.
Chapter 6, Section 6.7.4 Internal Residential Accommodation, Policy H10 states:
Ensure that all new housing provides a high standard of accommodation that is flexible and
adaptable, to meet the long-term needs of a variety of household types and sizes.
H10 Objective 2: To support the design of adaptable residential unit layouts that can accommodate the changing needs of occupants, through extension or remodelling subject to the protection of residential amenity.
The promotion of flexible and adaptable housing is also supported Chapter 5, Section 5.2.6 High Quality and Inclusive Development, which states:
Quality housing with long-term adaptability – such as ‘soft-spots’ where internal walls can change from a two-bedroom layout to one larger bedroom; and WCs that are wheelchair accessible, with drainage and service provisions enabling a shower to be fitted at a later stage – allows for change as circumstances alter or families grow. The Council will promote and support adaptable building design and the provision of Lifetime Homes in residential and mixed-use developments, having regard to the principles and guidance on adaptability as set out in the South Dublin Height and Density Guide and the Urban Design Manual – A Best Practice Guide’ (2009) and the guidance on Lifetime Homes as set out in the ‘Quality Housing and Sustainable Communities – Best Practice Guidelines for Delivering Homes Sustaining Communities’ (2007).
Notwithstanding the policy and objectives already contained within the Plan, it is considered that this objective is acceptable subject to amendment.
It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to insert a new objective under Policy H10 to read:
To consider the need for housing units to provide enough space to allow for individuals to work from home.