Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor R. McMahon, Councillor Alan Hayes
To rezone lands at Newlands Farm, Red Cow comprising: 53 Ha from Objective 'RU' (Rural Amenity) to Objective 'RES-N' (New Residential Communities in Accordance with Approved Area Plans); and 5.7 Ha from Objective 'EE' (Enterprise and Employment) to Objective 'REGEN' (Enterprise and/or Residential-led Regeneration), to allow for the delivery of an area plan-led mixed-use sustainable development quarter that incorporates housing, offices, community and recreational uses on lands that are located adjacent to infrastructure and services and easily accessible to major public transport nodes.
The Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy in Chapter 2 sets out population and housing figures which must be consistent with National and Regional Planning policy as required under the Planning and Development Act. South Dublin County is anticipated to grow by 46,518 persons with an identified need for over 17,817 households. Chapter 2 also confirms that the County has enough land to accommodate this need and additional for a further 10,470 units (79%) above the net household need. Therefore, to re-zone or zone new additional lands over and above those currently set out in the Draft Plan would be contrary to National and Regional planning policy set out in the NPF and RSES.
The proposed lands are greenfield zoned RU - Rural Amenity and currently form a part of the wider green buffer between Tallaght and Clondalkin. Based on general assumptions using the prevailing Ministerial Guidelines, the re-zoning of the subject lands has a conservative potential for 3,000 household units (applying an average density of 50uph x 58.7Ha). This has the potential to increase the excess of zoned lands within the County to 13,470 units or 102% above the net household need set at a National and Regional plan level. The current excess of zoned land, without the need for further zoning, is considered to provide sufficient flexibility to meet the household requirements for 2031 and potentially up to 2040.
In this context, the motion could undermine the delivery of households within strategic residential growth sites identified within the Regional Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan at: Adamstown, Clonburris, Tallaght, Naas Road and Fortunestown which would be contrary to National and Regional Planning Policy.
It is recommended that this motion is not adopted.