South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor T. Costello

Chapter 9 To carry out a detailed report and action plan strategy on how the balance between industry / employment retention and growth and population growth can be maintained in the Tallaght Town Centre Area


The motion seeks a detailed report and action plan strategy on how the balance between industry / employment retention and growth and population growth can be maintained in the Tallaght Town Centre Area.

The Tallaght Local Area Plan was adopted in June 2020 and sets out development management parameters which are used to adjudicate planning applications. The LAP promotes the sustainable development of the Regen Lands by facilitating a more intensive land-uses to accommodate higher density residential and employment uses.

The adopted LAP already contains policies to ensure the delivery of a mix of new homes and employment space to support the needs of the County.

It is further noted that the Tallaght LAP includes policy to encourage the retention and integration of existing business into the future development of the area.

Implementing the policies in this LAP will take time to come into effect.  As such, it is considered unnecessary at this time to prepare an Action Plan

A number of provisions of the CE Draft Plan are also noted.

EDE4 Objective 11: statesTo support the regeneration of the Tallaght LAP lands in a co-ordinated and

sustainable manner in accordance with the Tallaght Town Centre LAP 2020 or any superseding plan.’

Also noted are the following provisions in Chapter 5 of the CE Draft

QDP13 Objective 1 ‘Supports a plan led approach through Local Area Plans in identified areas by ensuring that development complies with the specific local requirements of the LAP.’  This further supports the Tallaght LAP alongside the related objectives in the Development Plan.

Policy QDP7 High Quality Design – General - To promote and facilitate development which incorporates exemplary standards of high-quality, sustainable and inclusive urban design, urban form and architecture.

QDP7 Objective 1: To actively promote high quality design through the policies and objectives which form the ‘The Plan Approach’ to creating sustainable and successful neighbourhoods and through the implementation of South Dublin’s Building Height and Density Guide


 It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to reflect that the intent of the motion is addressed through the existing provisions of the CE Draft Plan EDE4 Objective 11 (which supports the Tallaght LAP), and policies  QDP7 and QDP8 and QDP7 Objective 1 and QDP 13 Objective 1

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