Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor Carly Bailey
SLO That the Citywest/Fortunestown areas are provided (from within their own community), public, purpose built and suitable amenities including a library, community centre, accessible playgrounds/playspaces, teenspaces and youth amenities (such as a skate park), well designed green spaces including a managed public park with adequate accessible public seating and that can host festivals and community events and encourage greater biodiversity in the area and more tree coverage, adequate numbers of pitches and clubhouses/pavilions for sports, a community café as well as adequate public childcare and afterschool facilities and school sites.
The motion as proposed is for a Specific Local Objective that the Citywest Fortunestown areas are provided (from within their own community), public, purpose built and suitable amenities including:
In the Fortunestown LAP area, the Council is actively pursuing delivery of a community centre of scale including a community café. In addition, other smaller centres are being investigated. which would also provide for a café. Such facilities could cater for after-school facilities or community led childcare provisions.
[It should be noted that under Motion 451/ Item ID: 70667, it is recommended by the CE to adopt this motion with amendments to provide a new SLO namely, COS 3 SLO 1 “To deliver a community centre/community facilities within Citywest as part of the delivery of infrastructure identified in the Fortunestown Local Area Plan”]
There are three existing primary schools in the immediate area and planning permission has been granted for one further primary school and a secondary school. There is also a further reserved school site in Boherboy lands to the southwest of the Plan area.
Funding is provided for in the Capital Programme for upgrades to Carrigmore Park including examining the potential of the park for pitches.
The CE Draft Plan supports the delivery of commensurate levels of social and community infrastructure and Objective QDP 13 Objective 1 states:
To support a plan led approach through Local Area Plans in identified areas by ensuring that development complies with the specific local requirements of the Local Area Plan, having regard to the policies and objectives contained in this Development Plan and ministerial guidelines’
In addition, the delivery of commensurate levels of social and community infrastructure to match recent and continued growth is supported in the CE Draft Plan as follows:
COS 2 Objective 1:
To support the provision of a wide range of community facilities and to ensure that such facilities are provided in new communities in tandem with housing development, and in accordance with the phasing requirements of Local Area Plans and Planning Schemes.
COS 7 Objective 3:
To require childcare facilities to be provided in new communities in tandem with the delivery of
residential development and, where a Local Area Plan or Planning Scheme applies, in accordance with the phasing requirements of that plan/scheme.
COS 8 Objective 1:
To reserve sites for primary and post-primary school provision in developing areas through the
Development Plan, Local Area Plans, Planning Schemes and masterplans, in consultation with the Department of Education and Skills and to ensure that designated sites are in accessible, pedestrian, cycle and public transport friendly locations, consistent with NPO 31 of the NPF and RPO 9.21 of the RSES.
COS 8 Objective 3:
To require schools to be provided in new communities on a phased basis in tandem with the delivery of residential development, in accordance with the phasing requirements of Local Area Plans and Planning Schemes or as may be otherwise required.
Recommendation: It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to reflect that the existing objectives QDP 13 Objective 1, COS 2 Objective 1, COS 7 Objective 3, COS 8 Objective 1, COS 8 Objective 3 as currently set out in the CE Draft Plan are sufficient to provide for the intent of the motion:
QDP 13 Objective 1:
To support a plan led approach through Local Area Plans in identified areas by ensuring that development complies with the specific local requirements of the Local Area Plan, having regard to the policies and objectives contained in this Development Plan and ministerial guidelines.
COS 2 Objective 1:
To support the provision of a wide range of community facilities and to ensure that such facilities are provided in new communities in tandem with housing development, and in accordance with the phasing requirements of Local Area Plans and Planning Schemes.
COS 6 Objective 2:
To promote healthcare facilities of an appropriate scale to be provided in new communities on a phased basis in tandem with the delivery of housing, in accordance with the phasing requirements of Local Area Plans and approved Planning Schemes and in locations that are accessible by public transport, walking and cycling.
COS 7 Objective 3:
To require childcare facilities to be provided in new communities in tandem with the delivery of
residential development and, where a Local Area Plan or Planning Scheme applies, in accordance with the phasing requirements of that plan/scheme.
COS 8 Objective 1:
To reserve sites for primary and post-primary school provision in developing areas through the
Development Plan, Local Area Plans, Planning Schemes and masterplans, in consultation with the Department of Education and Skills and to ensure that designated sites are in accessible, pedestrian, cycle and public transport friendly locations, consistent with NPO 31 of the NPF and RPO 9.21 of the RSES.
COS 8 Objective 3:
To require schools to be provided in new communities on a phased basis in tandem with the delivery of residential development, in accordance with the phasing requirements of Local Area Plans and Planning Schemes or as may be otherwise required