Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons
That SDCC adopt a SLO, as advised by SDCC's Environmental Officer in conjunction with local Environmental groups, to adopt in our County Development Plan that a suitable number of native broad-leaved trees to replace any tree(s) that have to be removed or have fallen down. Where mature trees have to be felled (due to developments, old age, inappropriate original placement, danger to people or property), SDCC to hire a reputable, qualified third-party to do so if none exists already in SDCC. A publicly-available report, photographic evidence and expert opinion regarding the age of the tree to be made available on SDCC's website and other publications. On the same or other publicly-owned land, a number of native broad-leaved saplings are to be planted, the number of new saplings to be the same as the age of the tree that fell down or had to be felled.
The motion seeks an SLO but does not identify the lands where it is to apply which would be more appropriate for a specific local objective (SLO). The following provisions of the CE Draft Plan are noted as relevant to the motion’s more general proposal.
NCBH 11 Objective 3: To protect existing trees, hedgerows, and woodlands which are of amenity or biodiversity value and/or contribute to landscape character and ensure that proper provision is made for their protection and management taking into account Living with Trees: South Dublin County Council’s Tree Management Policy (2015-2020) or any superseding document”.
In addition, further policy and objectives provide protection including Policy 11: Tree Preservation Orders and other Tree Protections: ‘Review Tree Preservation Orders (TPO) within the County and maintain the conservation value of trees and groups of trees that are the subject of a Tree Preservation Order while also recognising the value of and protecting trees and hedgerows which are not subject to a TPO.’
NCBH 11 Objective 1: Requires the review of tree preservation orders in the County.
CBH 11 Objective 2: Commits to the protection of trees of amenity value in the County through mechanisms available to protect them.
NCBH 11 Objective 3 and NCBH Objectives 1 and 2 in Chapter 3 have been subject to motions to amend which are relevant to this motion if adopted and would strengthen their intent.
The CE Draft Plan includes a strong protection for trees through the inclusion of NCBH 11 Policy and related Objectives as set out above. The County Development Plan is a strategic document and while it is appropriate for that document to include strategic objectives relating to relevant issues such as the review of and protection of trees etc, it is not the role of the County Development Plan to determine the brief for the carrying out of such work or the manner through which the objective is achieved. There are also procurement issues which are outside of the remit of the CDP. In this instance it is the role of the Public Realm Department to manage projects and studies related to trees. It is considered inappropriate for the County Development Plan to include such details.
It is recommended that the motion is not adopted.