Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Amend SM2 Objective 7 to add the following section: Making existing pedestrian routes zones near schools and pre-schools safer for parents and children through the creative use of flexible poles that actively prevent vehicles from mounting kerbs and otherwise encroaching into pedestrian spaces, while also facilitating the movement of emergency vehicles if necessary; this to be extended county-wide following an audit within two years of the Development Plan being passed.
The motion seeks an objective to use flexible poles near schools and pre-schools for pedestrian safety.
SM2 Objective 7 relates to walking and cycling for school trips and states follows:
‘To promote walking and cycling for school trips by implementing the following measures:
- Identifying school sites that are as close as possible to the communities they serve;
- Ensuring that multiple access points are provided to school sites for pedestrians and cyclists;
- Ensuring that adequate and secure bicycle storage is provided within schools;
- Promoting initiatives such as the Green Schools and Schools Streets projects; and
- Prioritising school routes for permeability projects and provision and enhancement of pedestrian and cycle ways.’
It is considered that the wording as proposed by the motion would be too detailed and prescriptive for a Development Plan. Design issues such as this are dealt with on a case-by-case basis. It is considered that alternative wording would be more appropriate as follows:
- ‘Supporting the use of a range of physical measures to provide improved safety for pedestrians and cyclists at and close to schools’.
It is recommended that the motion is adopted with amendments to revise SM2 Objective 7 to state:
‘To promote walking and cycling for school trips by implementing the following measures:
- Identifying school sites that are as close as possible to the communities they serve;
- Ensuring that multiple access points are provided to school sites for pedestrians and cyclists;
- Ensuring that adequate and secure bicycle storage is provided within schools;
- Promoting initiatives such as the Green Schools and Schools Streets projects; and
- Prioritising school routes for permeability projects and provision and enhancement of pedestrian and cycle ways.
- Supporting the use of a range of physical measures to provide improved safety for pedestrians and cyclists at and close to schools’.