South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor T. Costello

Chapter 8 Community Infrastructure & Open Space (Policy COS 4) That any sportsclub established for over 5 years in the community be provided with proper facilities (changing rooms/ toilets) to ensure they can continue to operate and grow within our community.


This motion is requesting individual sportclubs that have been established over 5 yrs be provided with proper facilities. The intent of the motion is acknowledged but it is considered that it should be within the context of the aim of co-location and co-sharing of community and sporting facilities. Such existing objectives in the Draft Plan are:

COS 4 Objective 1 - To promote the provision and management of high-quality,  multi-functional, sport and recreational infrastructure across the County to meet existing and future needs,  to include sports hubs and multi-sport astro-pitches, in accordance with the South Dublin County Council Sports Pitch Strategy (2020), the National Sports Policy (2018-2027) and the aims of the South Dublin County Sports Partnership, consistent with RPO 9.15 of the RSES.

COS 4 Objective 4‘To support and encourage the co-location and sharing of community and sporting facilities within the County where feasible. (See also Policy C8 Objective 8)’.

In line with the SDCC Sports Pitch Strategy; Sports Pavilions with changing rooms and toilets are being provided on a shared basis for several clubs, at locations that have a number of playing pitches that require changing facilities. These Pavilions are ideally located in areas with good passive surveillance, access to car parking and with good access to the pitch facilities they will serve. 

The following list of pavilions-county wide was agreed by the Council:

To date, SDCC have been successful with applications for Sports Capital Grants for four of the above pavilions and SDCC will continue to seek funding for the programme going forward.

SDCC are currently working through the funded Pavillion Construction Programme which aims to assist as many clubs within an area as possible.

COS 4 Objective 8 also provides for:

To support the provision of permanent space for well-established sports and recreational activities at appropriate locations within the County.

It is considered that the essence of the motion is reflected sufficiently, insofar as it can be dealt with in the Development Plan, by COS 4 Objective 1 and COS 4 Objective 4.


It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to reflect that the intent of the motion is reflected in COS 4 Objective 1, COS 4 Objective 4 and COS 4 Objective 8:

COS 4 Objective 1 - To promote the provision and management of high-quality,  multi-functional, sport and recreational infrastructure across the County to meet existing and future needs,  to include sports hubs and multi-sport astro-pitches, in accordance with the South Dublin County Council Sports Pitch Strategy (2020), the National Sports Policy (2018-2027) and the aims of the South Dublin County Sports Partnership, consistent with RPO 9.15 of the RSES.

COS 4 Objective 4To support and encourage the co-location and sharing of community and sporting facilities within the County where feasible. (See also Policy C8 Objective 8)’.

COS 4 Objective 8 - To support the provision of permanent space for well-established sports and recreational activities at appropriate locations within the County.