Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor William Joseph Carey, Councillor Derren Ó Brádaigh
Chapter 10 - ENERGY - Policy 4 - Electric Vehicles (Page 272) Objective 3 Amend From: To continue to increase the use of EVs and non-fossil fuels in the Council's own fleet. Amend To: To continue to increase the use of EVs and non-fossil fuels in the Council's own fleet to exceed beyond the minimum 30% transition to electric vehicles as set out in the National Climate Action Plan.
The proposed motion seeks the inclusion of additional wording to E4 Objective 3 as follows:
From: To continue to increase the use of EVs and non-fossil fuels in the Council’s own fleet.
To: To continue to increase the use of EVs and non-fossil fuels in the Council's own fleet to exceed beyond the minimum 30% transition to electric vehicles as set out in the National Climate Action Plan.
The National Climate Action Plan has ambitious targets for the uptake of electric vehicles (EVs), with a target of having 935,600 EVs on the road by 2030, including 840,000 cars, 95,000 light commercial vehicles and 600 low-emission buses (i.e. not diesel only). This means approximately one-third of all vehicles sold during the decades need to be Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) or Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs). It should be noted to support this target, the four Dublin Local Authorities in conjunction with the Climate Action Regional Office (CARO)
and Smart Dublin are producing an overarching EV charging strategy which will address on street charging infrastructure for the Dublin region which in turn will aid in the increase of Electric Vehicles.
Furthermore, there are number of Electric vehicle policies and objectives set out in the CE Draft Plan. These objectives are County wide. E4 Objective 3 relates specifically to the Councils fleet in addition to the other County wide objectives and policies. It is therefore considered that the intent of the motion is addressed adequately in the CE Draft Plan and to add a minimum figure would be inappropriate and restrictive. However, it is considered the objective can be reworded to take account of the targets set out in the National Climate Action Plan.
E4 Objective 3 “To continue to increase the use of EVs and non-fossil fuels in the Council's own fleet to contribute to targets set out for Electric vehicles in the National Climate Action Plan.”
It is recommended to adopt the motion with amendment.
E4 Objective 3 “To continue to increase the use of EVs and non-fossil fuels in the Council's own fleet to contribute to targets set out for Electric vehicles in the National Climate Action Plan.”