South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor William Joseph Carey, Councillor Derren Ó Brádaigh

Page 94 Policy NCHB Insert SLO It shall be a specific local objective that Saggart Village be designated an Architectural Conservation Area with specific emphasis on preserving the streetscape and scale of the village and its environs including the protection of the old mills.


Saggart Village was already assessed for Architectural Conservation Area (ACA) designation under a previous County Development Plan review in 2014. The assessment was carried out by independent consultants and it was recommended that Saggart Village did not warrant ACA designation .

Buildings and features of architectural or historical merit within Saggart are included on the Record of Protected Structures and are thereby afforded statutory protection. There are also general policies in the Draft Plan to encourage the protection and conservation of vernacular and traditional older buildings, estates and streetscapes:

NCBH Policy 25 - “Encourage the conservation and protection of older features, buildings, and groups of structures that are of historic character including 19th century and early to mid-20th century houses, housing estates and streetscapes” and this policy’s associated objectives of which there are six including but not limited to;

NCBH 25 Objective 1 – “To retain existing buildings that, while not listed as Protected Structures, are considered to contribute to historic character, local character, visual setting, rural amenity or streetscape value within the County”.

and to protect and conserve historic items and features of interest Policy NCBH 26 and associated objectives relate:

 Policy NCBH 26 – “Secure the identification, protection and conservation of historic items and features of interest throughout the County including street furniture, surface finishes, roadside installations, items of industrial heritage and other stand-alone features of interest”.

These policies, in addition to policies on industrial heritage under NCBH 16 offer a significant degree of protection to buildings and features that are not listed as protected structures and that are not within ACAs.  Any proposals for new developments are assessed on the basis of the overall site context and the existing buildings and environs, having regard to Development Plan policy.

The examination of an ACA for Saggart has already been indicated by independent consultants as not warranted. The existing protected structures and wide ranging policy contained in the development plan as indicated above is sufficient to ensure that the character of the village is retained.

Recommendation: It is recommended that the motion is not adopted.

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