South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor Eoin Ó Broin

Insert,'outside of Architectural Conservation Areas that are' between words,'lands' and 'zoned' in QDP8 Objective 2. (Page 144)


The proposed motion seeks to specifically preclude Architectural Conservation Areas in terms of the areas where increased building heights will be actively considered.

The Draft County Development’s policies, objectives and provisions, including South Dublin County’s Building Height Design Guide (Appendix 10), align with national and regional objectives and have regard to and are informed by all relevant Ministerial Guidance documents (and any amendments thereof) and Specific Planning Policy Requirements contained therein, most notably the Urban Development and Building Heights Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2018).

The premise of these guidelines is not intended to introduce height for the sake of height, but to introduce and consider increased heights and densities as a means of accommodating greater residential populations within the County’s serviced and zoned lands, in particular where public transport, employment and other services are proximate to a development proposal in line with the principals of compact growth. Securing compact and sustainable urban growth in South Dublin will mean focusing on reusing previously developed ‘brownfield’ land in the County as well as undeveloped infill sites, particularly those served by good public transport.

Provisions relating specifically to increased height in ‘historic environments’ are set out in the Building Height Guidelines which state:

“2.8 Historic environments can be sensitive to large scale and tall buildings. In that context, Planning Authorities must determine if increased building heights are an appropriate typology or not in particular settings. An Initial assessment of the existing character and setting of a place will assist in a robust framework for decision-making that will facilitate informed increases in building height and involve an integrated understanding of place. With regards to large-scale and tall buildings in historic urban areas, an examination of the existing character of a place can assist planning authorities, and others to:

2.9 In order to consider proposals in an integrated and informed way, an urban design statement addressing aspects of impact on the historic built environment should be submitted along with a specific design statement on the individual insertion or proposal from an architectural perspective addressing those items outlined above.

2.10 Notwithstanding the above, the provisions contained within Part (IV) Planning and Development Acts 2000, as amended, regarding architectural heritage and associated character/setting remain in place. Planning Authorities are the primary consent authority in establishing if proposals align with best practice in this area and which design standards are to be used in certain circumstances. Planning Authorities can reference Architectural Heritage Protection – Guidelines for Planning Authorities (DEHLG) and Shaping the Future – Case Studies in Adaptation and Reuse in Historic Urban Environments (DAHG) 2012.”

The Building Height Guidelines provisions in relation to ‘historic environments’ clearly set how development proposals in such areas should be dealt with by the Planning Authority.  The Draft County Development Plan’s BHDG and its policies and objectives support the approach outlined in the Section 28 Ministerial Guidelines relating specifically to increased height in ‘historic environments’.

Noting that the development plan contains clear guidance on dealing with planning applications in historic environments, it is considered that the proposed motion to preclude development of increased height in Architectural Conservation Areas would be contrary to government policy and guidance. 


It is recommended that this motion is not adopted.