Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor P. Gogarty
Amend H1 Objective 13: Proposals for residential development shall provide a minimum of 50% 3-5 bedroom units, including units that are designed in such a way as to facilitate extension as required unless it can be demonstrated that: • there are unique site constraints that would mitigate against such provision or • that the proposed housing mix meets the specific demand required in an area, having regard to the prevailing housing type within a 10-minute walk of the site and to the socio-economic, population and housing data set out in the Housing Strategy and Interim HNDA.
The motions seeks to amend H1 Objective 13 as follows:
From: ‘Proposals for residential development shall provide a minimum of 30% 3-bedroom units
unless it can be demonstrated that:
To: ‘Proposals for residential development shall provide a minimum of 50% 3-5 bedroom units, including units that are designed in such a way as to facilitate extension as required unless it can be demonstrated that:
the prevailing housing type within a 10-minute walk of the site and to the socio-economic, population and housing data set out in the Housing Strategy and Interim HNDA.’
The conclusion of the Housing Strategy and Interim HNDA outlines that by 2031 one, two and three person households will make up 65% of the household composition indicating that the majority of households will need one and two bed units. The remaining 35% of households will comprise 4 persons+ of which will have a need for three and greater bed units. (Refer to Section 6.8.3 of the Housing Strategy and Interim HNDA). This forecast forms the justification for the use of the figure and wording ‘a minimum of 30%’ used in the policy.
In 2016, South Dublin had the highest amount of 3/4 bedroom dwellings (5-6 rooms at 47.8%) compared to the Dublin (36.9%), Region (38.7%) and State (39.9%) averages and the lowest studio-1-bed / 2 bed (1-2 rooms and 3-4 rooms) in the Dublin, Region and States averages. It is noted that the 3–4-bedroom mix figures apply to the entire County of South Dublin. While it is recognised that the figure is high by comparison to the Region, new development and planning permissions granted are likely to increase the smaller unit sizes with heavy concentrations of unit types within the regeneration lands and along the Luas lines.
Therefore, the motion to change the minimum of 50%- and 3-5-bedroom units is not acceptable.
In terms of designing units to facilitate extension as required, it is considered that this is adequately supported under Policy 10: Internal Residential Accommodation which states: ‘Ensure that all new housing provides a high standard of accommodation that is flexible and adaptable, to meet the long-term needs of a variety of household types and sizes.’ with the following objectives:
H10 Objective 1: To promote the provision of high-quality houses and apartments/duplexes within
sustainable neighbourhoods by achieving the appropriate quantitative and qualitative standards, in
accordance with Ministerial Guidelines and as set out in Chapter 13: Implementation and Monitoring.
H10 Objective 2: To support the design of adaptable residential unit layouts that can accommodate the changing needs of occupants, through extension or remodelling subject to the protection of residential amenity.
Recommendation: It is recommended that this motion is not adopted.