Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor T. Gilligan, Councillor C. O'Connor , Councillor D. O'Donovan, Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor Yvonne Collins, Councillor T. Costello, Councillor Shane Moynihan
That this Development Plan commit to a review of the requirement of an addition women's refuge in the county to ensure there is a sufficient access to places of safety available to local women and children at risk of the most extreme violence
This motion seeks to add a new objective under Policy 5: other housing provision which states: ‘Support and facilitate relevant agencies in the provision of specific emergency or other forms of housing need as such demand arises.’
The proposed objective is: ‘to a review of the requirement of an addition women's refuge in the county to ensure there is a sufficient access to places of safety available to local women and children at risk of the most extreme violence’
SDCC currently do not have a direct role in providing a women’s refuge. SDCC have supported and funded through the Department of Housing facilities in Rathcoole and in Tallaght through an AHB who provide management and maintenance of the building where appropriate. The capital funding of such a facility would come through Housing, but the revenue funding i.e. the day to day management and providing a service would be through the HSE/Tusla.
It is not within the remit of the Development Plan to commit to reviewing the requirement of additional women's refuge in the county. It is however considered appropriate that the Development Plan has policies and objective to recognise, facilitate and support such housing provision which is set out under H5 Objective 1 and Objective 2 as detailed below.
‘H5 Objective 1: To facilitate and support relevant agencies in the development of emergency accommodation, including hostels for homeless individuals and families, in a balanced way located throughout the County so as to avoid an over- concentration in any particular area.’
‘H5 Objective 2: To facilitate and support Túsla, the Child and Family Agency, and other relevant agencies in the development of women’s refuge within the County to include emergency accommodation and transitional units.’
It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to reflect that the existing H5 Objective 1 and H5 Objective 2 as currently set out in the CE Draft Plan is sufficient to provide for the intent of the motion:
‘H5 Objective 1: To facilitate and support relevant agencies in the development of emergency accommodation, including hostels for homeless individuals and families, in a balanced way located throughout the County so as to avoid an over- concentration in any particular area.’
‘H5 Objective 2: To facilitate and support Túsla, the Child and Family Agency, and other relevant agencies in the development of women’s refuge within the County to include emergency accommodation and transitional units.’