South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor C. King, Councillor L. Dunne

Chapter 6: Housing Policy 6: Amend To support the development of student accommodation in the campus of a recognised Third Level Institution or any other suitable locations throughout the County proximate to public transport links; Add "excluding Tallaght Village, ensuring the protection of the historical value & integrity of the village"


The motion seeks to amend the wording of Housing Policy 6 objective 1 as follows:


To support the development of student accommodation in the campus of a recognised

Third Level Institution or at other suitable locations throughout the County proximate to public transport links.

To: To support the development of student accommodation in the campus of a recognised Third Level Institution or any other suitable locations throughout the County proximate to public transport links excluding Tallaght Village, ensuring the protection of the historical value &

integrity of the village"

It is noted that the proposed motion seeks to protect the historical value and integrity of Tallaght Village. However, the purpose of the objective is County wide and seeks to support the development of student accommodation in the campus of a recognised Third Level Institution or any other suitable locations throughout the County proximate to public transport links. It is acknowledged that the main third level institution in SDCC is TUD Tallaght. The objective supports student accommodation in the campus in the first instance or in ‘other suitable locations’.

It is considered that the provisions set out in the plan, in particular within Chapter 3 Built Heritage and Chapter 5 quality Design and Placemaking, will provide sufficient guidance for any future development and the protection of the historic value and integrity of Tallaght Village. Such objectives include:

Such provisions include

Chapter 3 Policy 19 and subsequent objectives NCBH1-7:

Policy NCBH 19: Conserve and protect buildings, structures and sites contained in the Record of Protected Structures and carefully consider any proposals for development that would affect the setting, special character.

And Policy 20 and Objectives NCBH 20 Objectives 1-8

Policy NCBH 20: Preserve and enhance the historic character and visual setting of Architectural Conservation Areas and carefully consider any proposals for development that would affect the special value of such areas.

Chapter 5 Policy 3 and Objectives QDP 3 Objectives 1-3

QDP Policy 3 Neighbourhood Context - Support and facilitate proposals which contribute in a positive manner to the character and setting of an area.

QDP3 Objective 1: To ensure new development contributes in a positive manner to the character and setting of the immediate area in which a proposed development is located taking into consideration the provisions set out in Chapters 3 and 4 of this Plan and having regard to the requirements set out In Chapter 12 Implementation in relation to design statements.


QDP3 Objective 2: To protect and conserve the special character of the historic core of the villages and ensure that a full understanding of the archaeological, architectural, urban design and landscape heritage of each village informs the design approach to new development and renewal, recognising the particular character context in Architectural Conservation Areas (ACAs).

QDP3 Objective 3: To promote design standards and densities in village centres that are informed by the surrounding village and historic context and enhance the specific characteristics of each town or village in terms of design, scale, form and external finishes.


It is recommended that this motion is not adopted.