South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor D. O'Donovan, Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor E. Murphy, Councillor Yvonne Collins, Councillor Shane Moynihan

That the Manager amends Chapter 13, 13.8.5, paragraph two to include the following: 'And ensures that any Traffic Impact Assessment takes place during normal school term, where applicable.'


The motion is considered reasonable.  However, a more appropriate location for the additional wording would be within paragraph 4. 

It is therefore considered that the following wording should be inserted within paragraph 4 of section 13.8.5 Traffic and Transport Assessments within Chapter 13 Implementation and Monitoring:Where travel to school has an impact on traffic, assessments should be done during school term time when movements are at a maximum’ so that the paragraph reads as follows 

‘Traffic Impact Assessments will be required to take account of up-to-date traffic surveys (within six months of the date of application) and of the cumulative quantum of traffic to be generated as a result of planned developments (which are subject to current planning applications or have been granted permission and not yet developed or which may be permitted in line with an approved plan) which would result in traffic using the same immediate road network and junctions as the development which is subject to the Traffic Impact Assessment.  Where travel to school has an impact on traffic, assessments should be done during school term time when movements are at a maximum’.   


It is recommended that the motion is adopted with amendments to insert new wording within paragraph 4 of section 13.8.5 Traffic and Transport Assessments within Chapter 13 Implementation and Monitoring so that the paragraph reads as follows 

‘Traffic Impact Assessments will be required to take account of up-to-date traffic surveys (within six months of the date of application) and of the cumulative quantum of traffic to be generated as a result of planned developments (which are subject to current planning applications or have been granted permission and not yet developed or which may be permitted in line with an approved plan) which would result in traffic using the same immediate road network and junctions as the development which is subject to the Traffic Impact Assessment.  Where travel to school has an impact on traffic, assessments should be done during school term time when movements are at a maximum’.