South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole

It shall be an objective of the County Development Plan 2022 - 2028 to .have a Local Area Plan drawn up for Palmerstown during the first three years of the plan.


The Draft County Development Plan states that Local Area Plans will be prepared for areas where new development requires a co-ordinated approach and in particular for areas that are likely to experience large scale development or that are in need of regeneration.

The Local Area Plans Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2013) advise that the decision to make a Local Area Plan should take cognisance of the degree to which major development is anticipated such as to justify the preparation of a standalone plan, the resource implications and the need to focus resources in using the local area plan process for areas where major alterations to the built environment are anticipated.

Approximately 16% (9483 people) of the projected population growth in the County up to 2028 is anticipated in the wider neighbourhood area of Lucan / Palmerstown/ Adamstown. With an estimated 2,584 units to be delivered in Adamstown alone up to 2028, it is anticipated that growth in the Palmerstown area, which will be focussed on infill and brownfield sites, will be relatively modest.  

Recent planning activity in the Palmerstown area includes a grant of permission with conditions by An Bord Pleanala for a Strategic Housing Development (SHD) consisting of 250 no. Build to Rent apartments at lands at Palmerstown Retail Park, Kennelsfort Road Lower, Palmerstown,

While it is considered that an objective to prepare a Local Area Plan is not justified at this time, it is considered appropriate to identify potential development sites within Palmerstown and to prepare site briefs to guide their development should an application for planning permission be received.


It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to include additional text as a second paragraph in section 5.4.3 of the Plan and a new related objective to read:

In certain instances, the preparation of site design briefs will be an appropriate tool to provide a design rationale for site development, building design and landscaping elements, ensuring that the proposed development fits within its context. The design brief will demonstrate how the design is guided and informed by good urban design practices. It will provide a clear direction for how the site should develop, including a set of design principles and how these principles will be achieved.

QDP14 Objective 3: To identify potential development sites within Palmerstown and to prepare site design briefs for these sites in order to provide a framework to guide appropriate development including connectivity.