South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor Carly Bailey

To amend: H5 Objective 1: To facilitate and support relevant agencies in the development of emergency accommodation, and to apply a gendered lens to such provision, including hostels for homeless individuals of all genders and families, in a balanced way located throughout the County so as to avoid an over- concentration in any particular area.


The motion as proposed is to amend H5 Objective 1 as follows (as highlighted in bold and underlined)

H5 Objective 1:

To facilitate and support relevant agencies in the development of emergency accommodation, and to apply a gendered lens to such provision, including hostels for homeless individuals of all genders and families, in a balanced way located throughout the County so as to avoid an over- concentration in any particular area.’

In the National Planning Framework (NPF) it states that:

Planning affords an opportunity to facilitate and deliver a more socially inclusive society through better integration and greater accessibility at all stages of the life cycle. Housing, education, health and transport are four key areas where social inclusion can be improved 

National Policy Objective (NPO) 28 set out in the NPF sets of the following provision:  


Plan for a more diverse and socially inclusive society that targets equality of opportunity and a better quality of life for all citizens, through improved integration and greater accessibility in the delivery of sustainable communities and the provision of associated services.

Social inclusion is also advocated at regional level under the RSES.  It states:

Social Inclusion is a key objective at national and local level. It refers to the way in which all persons in a community are integrated in an equal manner by reducing barriers to social inclusion for example belonging to a jobless household; being a lone parent; having a disability; being homeless or affected by housing exclusion; and belonging to an ethnic minority.

Having regard to national and regional objectives, it is considered that the motion be adopted with amendments as follows:

H5 Objective 1:

To facilitate and support relevant agencies in the development of emergency accommodation that is socially inclusive, including hostels for homeless individuals of all genders and families, in a balanced way located throughout the County so as to avoid an over- concentration in any particular area.


It is recommended that the motion be adopted with amendment such that H5 Objective 1 reads as follows.

H5 Objective 1:

To facilitate and support relevant agencies in the development of emergency accommodation that is socially inclusive, including hostels for homeless individuals of all genders and families, in a balanced way located throughout the County so as to avoid an over- concentration in any particular area.