Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor William Joseph Carey, Councillor Derren Ó Brádaigh
Page 191 Policy 2 - Walking and Cycling Insert new objective 15 "To include North Clondalkin, Clondalkin Village, Grange castle and Clonburris in cycleplath connectivity."
The motion seeks the inclusion of a new objective for cycle path connectivity in North Clondalkin, Clondalkin Village, Grange Castle and Clonburris.
The Council is committed to delivering the Cycle South Dublin programme of works that will see nearly 260km of new and improved cycle lanes over the next ten years in addition to improved cycle infrastructure associated with the BusConnects project.
In this regard, the CE Draft Plan includes the following policy and objectives, that acknowledge and support cycling and cycle infrastructure:
Policy SM 2: ‘Re-balance movement priorities towards sustainable modes of travel by prioritising the development of walking and cycling facilities and encouraging a shift to active travel for people of all ages and abilities, in line with the County targets’.
SM2 Objective 2: ‘To create a comprehensive and legible County-wide network of safe cycling and walking routes that link communities to key destinations, amenities and leisure activities through implementation of the Cycle South Dublin project, the recommendations of the Sustainable Movement Studies and other permeability measures’.
SM2 Objective 3: ‘To ensure that connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists is maximised and walking and cycling distances are reduced by promoting compact growth and permeability in the design and layout of new development areas’.
SM2 Objective 4: ‘To ensure that connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists is maximised and walking and cycling distances are reduced in existing built-up areas, by removing barriers to movement and providing active travel facilities in order to increase access to local shops, schools, public transport services and other amenities.’
SM2 Objective 7: ‘To promote walking and cycling for school trips by implementing the following measures:
− Identifying school sites that are as close as possible to the communities they serve;
− Ensuring that multiple access points are provided to school sites for pedestrians and cyclists;
− Ensuring that adequate and secure bicycle storage is provided within schools;
− Promoting initiatives such as the ‘Green Schools’ and ‘Schools Streets’ projects; and
− Prioritising school routes for permeability projects and provision and enhancement of
pedestrian and cycle ways.’
SM2 Objective 8: ‘To work with the NTA to acquire funding and secure full implementation of the Cycle South Dublin programme and the Sustainable Movement Studies recommendations.’
SM2 Objective 9: ‘To work with the NTA to review the feasibility of implementing additional cycling facilities within the major urban and recreational areas of the County.’
Therefore, it is considered that the policies and objectives set out in the CE Draft Plan adequately address the concerns of the motion.
The proposed motion relates to specific areas and it should be noted that the provision of cycle paths and connectivity is a strategic issue with broader geographical application. The areas referenced in the motion – North Clondalkin, Clondalkin Village, Grange Castle and Clonburris – will all benefit from proposals in the Cycle South Dublin programme, with proposals either serving the areas themselves or connecting existing cycle infrastructure into the new network.
It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendments to reflect that the concerns of the motion are addressed through policies and objectives within the CE Draft Plan and through proposals within the Cycle South Dublin programme.