Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Amend CS6 Objective 3 to read: Promote compact growth and support high quality infill development in existing urban built-up areas, outside Dublin City and Suburbs, by achieving a target of at least 30% of all new homes within or contiguous to the CSO defined settlement boundaries (Consistent with NPO 3b and RPO 3.2) and to ensure that the provision of any required community and retail infrastructure for the lands in question is included as part of any housing application.
This motion relates to objective CS6 Objective 3 which states ‘To promote compact growth and support high quality infill development in existing urban built-up areas, outside Dublin City and Suburbs, by achieving a target of at least 30% of all new homes within or contiguous to the CSO defined settlement boundaries (Consistent with NPO 3b and RPO 3.2)’ and seeks to add the phrase at the end of the objectives ‘and to ensure that the provision of any required community and retail infrastructure for the lands in question is included as part of any housing application.’
CS6 Objective 3 is a target-based objective to ensure that at least 50% of all new homes are within or contiguous to the Dublin City and Suburbs boundary.
Depending on the scale or type of development it may not be possible or desirable to seek provision of community or retail space as part of all development. This may result in community space that is unviable and which the Council cannot operate or retail space that cannot be let and remains vacant.
Critically, it is not possible to predetermine what is submitted as part of a planning application beyond what is required by regulation. The need for planning applications to include required community and retail infrastructure could not be enforced under the regulations. It is a matter for development management to assess planning applications as they are received based on policy contained within the development plan, government guidelines and national and regional planning policy. The draft plan has sufficient policy to allow a detailed assessment of planning applications when they are received.
It is recommended that this motion is not adopted.