South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor M. Duff, Councillor P. Kearns, Councillor Alan Edge

That the portions of those lands zoned yellow RES between Stocking Avenue, Ballycullen Rd and the M50 (Map 10) which lie above the 120m contour be considered not suitable for high density development.


The subject lands referred to in the proposed motion are currently zoned RES-N in the 2016-2022 CDP and form part of the Ballycullen – Oldcourt Local Area Plan (2014) which has been extended to June 2024.

The Ballycullen – Oldcourt Local Area Plan, adopted by the Council, sets out provisions relating to the LAP lands.  Due to major constraints presented by utility line wayleaves, extant planning permissions and steep areas of topography, the LAP lands are categorised into three types of development areas: Highly Constrained, Partially Constrained or Relatively unconstrained.

Partially constrained areas are described in Section 4.3.3 as follows:

(4.3.3 Partially Constrained Areas)

The partially constrained areas relate largely to the upper slopes along the southern fringe of the Dublin Mountains where there is a relatively steep topography and the lands become visually prominent. Gradients range between 1:16 and 1:6 and would be difficult to develop at standard densities without the use of extensive engineering solutions such as retaining walls, shoring, embankments and cut platforms. Development of these lands could therefore have a significant impact on the context, landscape and setting of the Dublin Mountains including panoramic views, the transition between countryside and suburbs, heritage features and the natural slope and drainage of the area. On the western side of the Plan Lands the partially constrained areas occur mostly above the 108 metre contour to the south of the watermains with the exception of a steep section of lands located just above the 100 metre contour along Oldcourt Road to the south-west of Beechdale and lands adjacent to Bohernabreena Road. On the eastern side of the Plan Lands such areas occur largely above the 100 metre contour to the south of Stocking Avenue with the exception of a steep area of land to the north and south of the Stocking Hill Traveller Accommodation Site.

A map (Fig 4.1 Development Areas Rationale/ page 20 of the LAP) indicates the three development areas. 

The LAP also denotes three types of ‘Character’ or ‘Landscape’ areas within the LAP lands.  They are: Lower Slope Lands; Mid Slope Lands; Upper Slope Lands.

Upper Slope Lands are described in Section 4.6.3 of the LAP as follows:

(4.6.3 Upper Slope Lands)

The upper slopes generally correspond with the Partially Constrained Areas described in the Development Areas Rationale. These lands comprise the most elevated and visually prominent areas of the Plan Lands, which rise towards and beyond the 120 metre contour.

Table 5.4 of the LAP sets out Required Densities under each Landscape Area:

Lower Slope Lands – 32-38 dwellings (Net Average Density per Ha)

Mid Slope Lands – 22-28 dwellings (Net Average Density per Ha)

Upper Slope Lands – 12-18 dwellings ((Net Average Density per Ha)

A description of the required density is also provided as summarised below:

5.4.4 Lower Slope Lands

The dwelling mix within the Lower Slope Lands should reflect nearby residential development and consist of medium to low density suburban housing.

5.4.5 Mid Slope Lands

The density of development in this area should reflect the transition towards the upper slopes and mountain fringe. Residential development should comprise lower density dwelling types on larger plots that reduce the potential impact on the topography of the landscape.

5.4.6 Upper Slope Lands

The density of development in this area should be greatly reduced in order to protect the landscape and setting of the Dublin Mountains including its rural hinterland and maintain a suitable transition from the suburbs to the countryside. Development should comprise low-rise dwellings situated on relatively large plots. Very low density development akin to rural housing should allow for flexible design solutions and layouts that minimise visual and topographical impacts.

 In Section 5.4.3 Dwelling Mix of the LAP it also explicitly states the following:

 (Section 5.4.3 Dwelling Mix)

Apartment and duplex units are not permissible on the Upper Slopes of the Plan Lands.

 With regard to the above, the Planning Authority considers that the adopted LAP is an appropriate land use plan for the area and that the identified densities is an appropriate response to the context.

 In this regard, it is considered that the proposed motion – which is to include provision in the CE Draft Plan that the portions of those lands zoned yellow RES between Stocking Avenue, Ballycullen Rd and the M50 (Map 10) which lie above the 120m contour be considered not suitable for high density development – would be inconsistent with the provisions set out in the LAP which has been subject to a detailed analysis and allows for very low density development but explicitly states that apartment and duplex units are not permissible on the Upper Slopes of the Plan Lands.

 Section 5.4.1 of the draft Plan contains objectives on LAPs. It is considered that QDP 13 Objective 1 which reads:

To support a plan led approach through Local Area Plans in identified areas by ensuring that development complies with the specific local requirements of the Local Area Plan, having regard to the policies and objectives contained in the Development Plan and ministerial guidelines.

 It is considered that, given the detail of the relevant Balllycullen-Oldcourt LAP that the above objective reflects the intent of the motion.


It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to reflect that Objective QDP 13 Objective 1 allows for the intent of the motion:

To support a plan led approach through Local Area Plans in identified areas by ensuring that development complies with the specific local requirements of the Local Area Plan, having regard to the policies and objectives contained in the Development Plan and ministerial guidelines

Link to Map