South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor C. King, Councillor L. Dunne, Councillor Patrick Pearse Holohan

Chapter 8 - 8.7.1 - Environmental Sustainability - SLO COS 5 - 2 (Map/Sheet 9) That the area on both sides of Whitestown Stream/Jobstown Stream inclusive of the Stream itself between Cloonmore Estate on one side and Bawnlea and Dromcarra Estates on the other and from the Jobstown Rd to the N81 be designated a Local Park/Open Space as defined in Table 8.1 of Chapter 8 and it be considered as an area of High amenity and recreation with a hierarchy emphasising the regreening of the area and the protection of the water course running through it but also with an option of the inclusion of intergenerational uses of the space such as outdoor exercise equipment. The regreening of the area be in line with the 'May 24th 2021 report on 'Whitestown Stream' presented at the Tallaght area Committee which includes the largescale planting of mature trees and largescale planting of wildflower meadows. That the SLO incorporate any such amendments to the aforementioned report agreed at the Tallaght ACM between now and the drafting of the Plan. This SLO's objective is to empower the local Community to take control of this open space back from the dumpers and other anti social elements and to broaden our biodiversity Plan and encourage the Community and particular the next generation in the area to be actively involved in this regreening project to ensure they feel a sense of ownership and thus protect the area into the future. 


This motion proposes to insert a SLO under COS 5 requiring the following area to be designated a Local Park/Open Space as per Table 8.1 Open Space Hierarchy: the area of open space between Cloonmore Estate and Bawnlea / Dromcarra Estates and bounded by the N81 and Jobstown Road, in which the Whitestown Stream flows through.

The Planning Department consulted the Public Realm Department on this motion, and it was advised that the issues of illegal dumping and burning of waste, the illegal operation of scramblers and the driving of stolen cars in the green spaces adjacent to the Whitestown Stream in Jobstown have been raised many times over the years by local elected members.

A report outlining the issues in the area requiring attention was presented to the March 2021 Tallaght Area Committee Meeting.  A further report was presented to the ACM in May 2021 to identify measures to be taken in response to the variety of issues outlined in the first report. As stated in both reports there is currently no provision either in the revenue or capital budgets for a programme of works to address these issues.  It is intended that the current process underway will lead to agreement on a set of measures which can be costed and proposed for inclusion in the budget for 2022.

It is considered that an SLO could be applied to the area:

COS 5 SLO 2 - That the area on both sides of Whitestown Stream/Jobstown Stream inclusive of the Stream itself between Cloonmore Estate on one side and Bawnlea and Dromcarra Estates on the other and from the Jobstown Rd to the N81 be designated a Local Park/Open Space and it be considered for upgrade prioritising the regreening of the area and the protection of the water course running through it including considering the inclusion of intergenerational uses of the space such as outdoor exercise equipment. The regreening of the area to be in accordance with the implementation of South Dublin County Parks and Open Space Strategy.


It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to insert a new SLO to read:

COS 5 SLO 2 - That the area on both sides of Whitestown Stream/Jobstown Stream inclusive of the Stream itself between Cloonmore Estate on one side and Bawnlea and Dromcarra Estates on the other and from the Jobstown Rd to the N81 be designated a Local Park/Open Space and it be considered for upgrade prioritising the regreening of the area and the protection of the water course running through it including considering the inclusion of intergenerational uses of the space such as outdoor exercise equipment. The regreening of the area to be in accordance with the implementation of South Dublin County Parks and Open Space Strategy.

Link to Map