Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor Baby Pereppadan, Councillor David McManus
That 8.09 hectares lands off Ballycullen Road / Gunny Hill (R113) [Site B] be rezoned from 'Objective RU' to the following zonings and with the following Specific Local Objectives applied: ? Parcel A: from Objective RU to Objective OS ('to preserve and provide for open space and recreational amenities'). That a Specific Local Objective be applied that requires the rezoned open space to be provided as a playground for Abbot's Grove. ? Parcel B: from Objective RU to Objective RES-N ('to provide for new residential communities in accordance with approved area plans'). That a Specific Local Objective be applied that requires the rezoned new residential land to be provided as step down housing. ? Parcel C: from Objective RU to Objective OS ('to preserve and provide for open space and recreational amenities'). That a Specific Local Objective be applied that requires the rezoned open space to be provided as playing pitches.' map 10
This motion seeks to rezone 8.09 hectares lands off Ballycullen Road / Gunny Hill (R113) from RU to three separate parcels as follows:
The Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy in Chapter 2 sets out population and housing figures which must be consistent with National and Regional Planning policy as required under the Planning and Development Act. South Dublin County is anticipated to grow by 46,518 persons providing a need for over 17,817 households has been identified. Chapter 2 also confirms that the County has enough land for a further 10,470 units (79%) above the net household need and therefore there is no need to re-zone additional lands.
The subject lands are currently zoned rural, located at the southern edge of the Dublin City and Suburbs settlement boundary. The core principle of the NPF is compact urban growth through the consolidation of the exiting-built footprint of settlements. The Draft Plan prioritises the development of existing zoned lands particularly within MASP growth areas and to re-zone additional lands, especially at the periphery of the County which would continue the sprawl of the urban area towards the mountains and is not appropriate.
Development which further sprawls the settlement boundary is contrary to the analysis carried out in Chapter 2 having regard to the projected population growth for the Dublin City and Suburbs settlement and parameters under of NSO 1, and NPO 3b. As such, there is no requirement to re-zone additional land for residential purposes to meet the needs of the targeted population increase and thus household need up to 2028.
In this context, the motion could undermine the delivery of households within strategic residential growth sites identified within the Regional Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan at: Adamstown, Clonburris, Tallaght, Naas Road and Fortunestown which would be contrary to National and Regional Planning Policy.
From a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) perspective, the amendment would lead to potential negative environmental impacts through:
It is recommended that this motion is not adopted.