South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor F. Timmons

That this Council sets objectives in relating to its protection and preservation in recognition of its Native Woodland status from rewilding, its biodiversity value and ecosystems services provision including: 1. To protect and preserve Rathcoole Woodland for present and future generations by seeking: i. its designation as a Nature Reserve ii. obtaining a Special Amenity Area Order iii. and if appropriate to nominate it as a candidate Special Area of Conservation iv. or as a Natural Heritage Area. 


The proposed motion seeks the inclusion of a number of objectives pertaining to the protection of Rathcoole Woodlands through options for its designation through different mechanisms.   It should be noted that options ii and iii and iv are not within the remit of the local authority as they are national designations.

However, an SLO is considered more appropriate in this instance as it can examine the area of the relevant lands and their environs in combination with other factors, investigating the potential for alternative land uses having regard to the existing habitats, the need for social and affordable housing, community infrastructure and access.

It is recommended that the motion be amended and that a Specific Local Objective (SLO) be included for Rathcoole masterplan lands and environs.

Recommendation:  It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to insert an SLO into Chapter 2, Core Strategy (CS) Policy 10: Rathcoole, CS 10 SLO1 and Map 8 to read:

 “To investigate the potential for alternative land uses for the lands currently zoned RES-N (To provide for new residential communities in accordance with approved area plans) and OS (To preserve and provide for open space and recreational amenities) as identified by the SLO on the CDP land use zoning map, having regard to, existing habitats, the need for social and affordable housing, community infrastructure and access. Following this assessment, and where alternative land use arrangements are identified in line with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area, to bring forward proposals for re-zoning.”

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