South Dublin County Council Crest


Thursday, June 17, 2021


MOTION: Councillor C. King

Chapter 5: Quality Design and Healthy Placemaking - 5.2.2 To amend to include new objective QDP3 Objective 4: "To ensure that higher Buildings in established areas respect the surrounding context and take account of Heights and their impact on Light and the negative impact that may have on existing Communities and their mental Health to ensure we are consistent with regard to Healthy Placemaking (5.2.3)".


The Draft County Development Plan has regard to, and is informed by, national and regional objectives and guidance including Section 28 Ministerial guidance and Specific Planning Policy Requirements (SPPRs).

The Development Management Criteria set out in the Urban Development and Building Heights Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2018) states the following:

“At the scale of the Site/ Building:

The Building Height and Density Guide for South Dublin, Appendix 10 of Draft County Development Plan, is informed by and aligns with the provisions, guidance and Specific Planning Policy Requirements set out in the Urban Development and Building Heights Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2018) and other relevant Ministerial guidance documents. 

The BHDG’s Contextual Analysis Toolkit (Pages 27-42) in relation to ‘Setting’ set out the following requirement for all proposed developments demonstrating increased heights and/or densities:

“The proposal should provide relevant studies addressing any specific requirements that pertain to the development. These studies should illustrate and evaluate the effects of the proposal on the local environment and microclimate (wind tunnel studies, sun path studies, shadowing, privacy and overlooking, pedestrian comfort analysis, etc); address heritage or conservation concerns; etc.”

In respect to ‘Privacy and Amenity’ the BHDG’s Contextual Analysis Toolkit sets out the following key consideration for all proposed developments demonstrating increased heights and/or densities: 

“Has the proposal addressed recognised potential impacts of increased height and densities?

In the Draft County Development Plan, QDP3 Objective 1 states:

“QDP3 Objective 1: To ensure new development contributes in a positive manner to the character and setting of the immediate area in which a proposed development is located taking into consideration the provisions set out in Chapters 3 and 4 of this Plan and having regard to the requirements set out in Chapter 12 Implementation in relation to design statements.”

It is recommended that the wording of QDP3 Objective 1 be amended to include reference to guidance, principles and requirements set out in the South Dublin County’s Building Height and Density Guide (Appendix 10) in order to address the overall aim of this motion.  It is considered that QDP3 Objective 1 should therefore read as follows;

To ensure new development contributes in a positive manner to the character and setting of the immediate area in which a proposed development is located taking into consideration the provisions set out in Chapters 3 and 4 of this Plan and having regard to the requirements set out in Chapter 123, Implementation and Monitoring in relation to design statements and to the guidance, principles and requirements set out in the South Dublin County Building Height and Density Guide (Appendix 10).


It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment.

To add the following text to QDP3 Objective 1:

To ensure new development contributes in a positive manner to the character and setting of the immediate area in which a proposed development is located taking into consideration the provisions set out in Chapters 3 and 4 of this Plan and having regard to the requirements set out in Chapter 13, Implementation and Monitoring in relation to design statements and to the guidance, principles and requirements set out in the South Dublin County Building Height and Density Guide (Appendix 10).