Thursday, June 17, 2021
MOTION: Councillor M. Johansson
In Chapter 6 Housing to add the following sentence to H1 Objective 9: The Council shall pursue the Compulsory Purchase of long term vacant sites and units.
The motion seeks to add additional wording to H1 Objective 9 for it to read as follows:
From: ‘To promote the re-use of and reactivation of vacant units within our Urban Areas and pursue through the application of the vacant site levy in accordance with the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015, and through the implementation of the South Dublin Vacant Homes Strategy and Action Plan 2018-2021. The Council shall review and update this programme as deemed necessary.’
To: ‘To promote the re-use of and reactivation of vacant units within our Urban Areas and pursue through the application of the vacant site levy in accordance with the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015, and through the implementation of the South Dublin Vacant Homes Strategy and Action Plan 2018-2021. The Council shall review and update this programme as deemed necessary. The Council shall pursue the Compulsory Purchase of long-term vacant sites and units.’
The overall aim of the proposed motion is noted and it is considered that the Motion can be adopted with amendment to reflect that the existing objective CS4 Objective 3 with an amendment to include ‘long-term vacant units’ is sufficient to provide for the intent of the motion:
CS4 Objective 3: ‘Seek, where the context requires for compact growth and for the benefit of the common good, to deliver development through the compulsory purchase of land and long-term vacant units as part of active land management.’
Recommendation: It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to reflect that the existing objective CS4 Objective 3 as currently set out in the CE Draft Plan is sufficient to provide for the intent of the motion:
CS4 Objective 3: ‘Seek, where the context requires for compact growth and for the benefit of the common good, to deliver development through the compulsory purchase of land and long-term vacant units as part of active land management.’