Agenda - Development Plan Meeting - 1st March 2022

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01/03/2022 15:30
Virtual Meeting

Headed Items

H-I (1)
Submitted by:
Landuse Planning & Transportation
Hazel Craigie
H-I (2)
Submitted by:
Landuse Planning & Transportation
Hazel Craigie

Recommendations of the Chief Executive to submissions for which no motion submitted

H-I (3)
Submitted by:
Landuse Planning & Transportation
Hazel Craigie

Chief Executive's proposed Amendments to the Draft Plan

H-I (4)
Submitted by:
Landuse Planning & Transportation
Hazel Craigie

Environmental Assessment of proposed Motions

H-I (5)
Submitted by:
Landuse Planning & Transportation
Hazel Craigie

Resolution to next stage

Core Strategy & Settlement Strategy


Mot (1)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Stephen Willoughby

Appendix 1 CE Recommendations in Response to the OPR Submission (CE Report p19 and 20) That the words ''and to commit to'' is added after to Facilitate at each one and - where it says ''To only facilitate'' to add -'To commit to only facilitate' Where the CE has recommended to Amend the following sections of the Core Strategy. ? Table 9: Capacity of undeveloped lands within South Dublin and Table 10: Core Strategy Table 2022-2028. Refer to Appendix 1 for further details. ? The Inclusion of a new Objective under CS9 - CS9 Objective 4 ? CS9 Objective 4: -To facilitate the delivery of new residential development in a coordinated manner, ensuring alignment with investment infrastructure and supporting amenities and services. Such measures shall be delivered through appropriate phasing in line with CS9 SLO1, SLO2, SLO3 and SLO4. ? CS9 SLO1: -To facilitate the delivery of Phase 1 residential lands at Burgage North in tandem with the delivery of 2 new street connections to main street and the provision of a new local park c. 0.3ha. ? CS9 SLO2: -To facilitate the delivery of Phase 1 residential lands at Burgage North to the north of St. Finian's Community Centre which reserve suitable lands to facilitate the extension of the existing community centre. ? CS9 SLO3: A sequentially phased programme to be submitted alongside any planning application on the subject lands which provides for the delivery of the following in tandem with development or as described 1) No more than 200 units to be permitted before the commencement of the remaining lands of c. 1.4ha to provide for the full Taobh Chnoic Park to the south 2) Urban Park/Square c. 1ha in size (Burgage South Park), 3) East-West Link Street, 4) Sean Feirm Park c. 0.2ha in size, 5) a portion of Tower House Park c. 0.1ha. All applications shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority how they are supporting the delivery of North South Street connections to the Main Street. With regards delivery of a new primary school at Taobh Chnoic, the timing of this will be subject to educational needs in consultation with the Department of Education. Prior to completion of 200 units confirmation to be provided from the Department of Education on the transfer of lands to provide for the school, subject to their confirmation of need. ? CS9 SLO4: -To only facilitate the delivery of Phase 2 residential lands once identified infrastructure comprising of the Urban Park/Square c. 1ha in size, the additional 1.4ha for Taobh Chnoic Park and the East/West Link Street required within Phase 1 have been delivered to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority ? Amend Map 7 to overlay a new map-based objective 'To protect and safeguard strategic residential reserve lands for potential future residential growth beyond the lifetime of the plan' on the underlying RES-N zoning on lands to the south of Newcastle. ? Rezone 1.3ha of lands to RU from RES-N to the west of Newcastle at the junction of Athgoe Road and Hazelhatch Road.

Mot (2)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Stephen Willoughby

This motion relates to chapter 2 Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy, submission SD-C195-205 on page 155 of the CE report. To reject the new Objective CS 1 Objective 4: To engage with the Land Development Agency (LDA) in the planning and co-ordination of strategic land banks to achieve compact growth, sustainable development and urban regeneration. Reason: A discussion was held in 2021 regarding the LDA where councillors unanimously agreed that we wished for SDCC to develop its own lands, so this objective is not necessary or wanted.

Mot (3)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Stephen Willoughby

Page 268, Chapter 2, Submission No. SD-C195-17 FROM CE Recommendation: To insert a new objective into Policy CS5 to read: To ensure, that as part of the two-year statutory review of the Development Plan, an evidence-based analysis of employment lands will be undertaken and should there be evidence for the need for further employment zoning within the lifetime of the Plan, a Variation to the Plan will be immediately initiated informed by: • Analysis of the type of employment need • Analysis of the appropriate location/s to serve such need • Relevant National and Regional policy and proper planning and sustainable development. TO CE Recommendation: To insert a new objective into Policy CS5 to read: To ensure, that as part of the two-year statutory review of the Development Plan, an evidence-based analysis of employment lands will be undertaken and should there be evidence for the need for an agri-hub employment zoning within the lifetime of the Plan, a Variation to the Plan will be immediately initiated to create a - special zoning status that can be attributed to specific lands that cater to the development of the agri-hub sector informed by: • Analysis of the type of employment need • Analysis of the appropriate location/s to serve such need • Relevant National and Regional policy and proper planning and sustainable development. proposed by Cllr William Carey and Cllr Derren OBradaigh

Mot (4)
Submitted by:
Councillor P. Kearns
Stephen Willoughby

This motion refers to Chapter 2, Page 326, Submission SD-C195-204 

To change the wording of the CE Recommendation on the SLO for the Spawell.

Provision in the form of shop-local or shop neighbourhood to no more than 3 units which will not include a large Supermarket,

To: Provision in the form of shop-local or shop-neighbourhood to no more than 5 units which will not include a supermarket larger than 800 m2

Rational. The Spawell Complex is adjacent to a vibrant local centre which currently caters for the needs of the local community. In my opinion to grant anything larger than my recommendation above could potentially damage local traders. However, there is currently several small businesses operating on the site complex and we need to protect them as well as they to provide a valuable service to the community.

Mot (5)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Stephen Willoughby

Ref SD-C195-248 Four Districts Woodland Habitat Group Chief Executive's Report Chapter 2: Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy, Residential Zoning Submission - Rathcoole Woodlands, pages 211-217, That this Council rezones the entire area of CS10 SLO1 as a High Amenity Area

Mot (6)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

In the names of P Gogarty, G O'Connell, L, O'Toole Ref SD-C195-248 Four Districts Woodland Habitat Group and others, Chief Executive's Report Chapter 2: Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy, Residential Zoning Submission - Rathcoole Woodlands, pages 211-217 That this Council rezones the entire area of CS10 SLO1 as a High Amenity Area. (Documentation attached)

Mot (7)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Gilligan

Chapter 2, page 33, Submission ref. SD-C195-227 - That the manager agrees to rezone the entire area of CS10 SL01 as a High Amenity Area.

Mot (8)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor S. O'Hara
Stephen Willoughby

This motion refers to Chapter 2 Core Strategy, page 33 of CE Report, CS10 and submission SD-C195-248 Motion: To change the zoning of attached site from RES-N to RU (map attached) Submitted by Cllr Shirley O'Hara and Cllr. Brian Lawlor

Mot (9)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor S. O'Hara
Stephen Willoughby

This motion refers to Chapter 2 Core Strategy, page 33 of CE Report, CS10 and submission SD-C195-227 Motion: To maintain existing OS zoning for this site (map attached) Submitted by Cllr Shirley O'Hara and Cllr Brian Lawlor 

Mot (10)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Stephen Willoughby

This motion relates to CSO10 SLO1 in the Draft Plan and submissions by all named individuals commencing with SD-C195-68 Peter Meighan on page 211 of the CE Report with recommendation commencing on page 216 Motion To amend CE Recommended Amendments to the Zoning Map for Rathcoole lands, pages numbered 216 and 217 of full CE Report by:

• Rezoning 0.25 ha of new residential along the north perimeter to 0.25 ha rural, retaining access

• Changing proposed rezoning of the area identified as 2.4 ha immature woodland on page 9 of rathcoole-land-use-concept-and-zoning, Existing Condition and Constraints Map from new residential to rural. This area has been confirmed as alluvial woodland by a survey plot (see Hodd report).

Table with figures based on those provided in rathcoole-land-use-concept-and-zoning, page 14. Development Plan Area 2016-2022 CE Proposed Area 2022-2028 Alluvial Woodland/ Immature Woodland Motion Zoning -proposed change RES-N 11.1 ha 8.6 ha -1.9 ha and -0.25 ha 6.4 ha RU 1.8 ha 10.3 ha +1.9 ha and +0.25 ha 12.45 ha OS 15.2 ha 9.3 ha 9.3 ha Total 28.1 ha 28.2 ha 28.2 ha

Mot (11)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

Motion in names of Cllrs Paul Gogarty, Liona O'Toole, Guss O'Connell

This motion relates to CSO10 SLO1 in the Draft Plan and submissions by all named individuals and groups commencing with SD-C195-68 Peter Meighan on page 211 of the CE Report with recommendation commencing on page 216.

Motion To amend CE Recommended Amendments to the Zoning Map for Rathcoole lands, pages numbered 216 and 217 of full CE Report by: • Rezoning 0.25 ha of new residential along the north perimeter to 0.25 ha rural, retaining access • Changing proposed rezoning of the area identified as 2.4 ha immature woodland on page 9 of rathcoole-land-use-concept-and-zoning, Existing Condition and Constraints Map from new residential to rural. This area has been confirmed as alluvial woodland by a survey plot (see Hodd report). (documentation with maps and images attached)

Mot (12)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Gilligan
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 2, page 211, Submission SD-C195-68  -  This motion proposes that the Rathcoole Lands Land Use Concept, specifically Appendix 2A, pg 14 of the CE Report (which proposes both Res-N and OS-Open space/GAA site zoning of a section of Rathcoole Peoples Park Amenity lands), is redrafted so that it retains the large 4Ha section of the Rathcoole Peoples Park as OS (Open Space), as it consists of a well used Council Sports pitch (both training and matches), significant Annex I Habitat 6510 Lowland Hay Meadow, historical walkways/right-of-ways linking Rathcoole/Swiftbrook Mills/Saggart/The Lugg, has Camac River corridor and hedgerows. (See Fig 1 below)


Retaining the large 4Ha section of the Rathcoole Peoples Park as OS (Open Space) will result in c. 0.72ha currently proposed to be zoned Res-N (new residential) as per Appendix 2A of the CE report to be zoned as Open Space as per the attached map.


Mot (13)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Gilligan
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 2, page 211, Submission SD-C195-68 - To retain the existing location for the school site within the DOE owned lands in Rathcoole in its current position (as per the Draft Plan) subject to a wider assessment relating to the suitability of the currently proposed site (as per Appendix 2A Lands Framework Concept and Zoning Proposals) for development in the context of its location adjacent to the Rathcoole Woodlands and identified Annex 1 habitats. 


In the first instance any development within the SDCC and DOE lands has the potential to severely impact upon the integrity of the Annex 1 habitats including the Alluvial Woodlands (91E0) within the Rathcoole Woodlands site and the lowland hay meadow within Rathcoole Park. The CE is reminded that the Council's own ecological assessment (Appendix 2B) concluded that 'overall the site is currently considered to be of County ecological importance for its mosaic of Annex I (priority) habitats, species-rich semi-natural habitats, heritage value hedgerows, wetland habitats and mosaic of wooded and non-wooded semi-natural habitats which are rare in County Dublin'. Therefore, it is highly likely that that proposed layout within the Land Use Concept document would have a detrimental impact upon the protected habitats and overall woodland habitat.

It is recommended that the Council overturn their proposed Res-N zoning in the absence of substantial evidence-based documentation which may suggest otherwise.

It is noted that the compensatory measures identified by CE in terms of a net gain of new alluvial woodlands relates to existing 'gap' areas in the woodlands which is proposed to be protected under the RU zoning objective. It is not considered that this constitutes as a satisfactory mitigation measure for the loss of woodlands to the east considering these 'gaps' are part of the wider Woodland habitat and are entirely unsuitable for any other use beyond continued re-wilding due to their location centrally within the woodland and adjacent to Annex 1 habitats.

However, should it be determined based on substantial evidence-based studies that areas of the SDCC and DOE lands are suitable for development, it is considered that the delivery of the school building is currently of greatest priority considering the Rathcoole Educate Together School is currently located within a temporary building. The viability of the school should not be reliant on the SDCC residential development and should have the potential to be developed in the event that the SDCC residential development is delayed or not deemed appropriate.

There are significant concerns that the re-location of the school site will result in significant delays for the development of a new primary school building in Rathcoole which is required for the established Educate Together School which operates in a temporary location on Fortunestown Lane. In the context of the grant of permission for the post primary school (Reg. Ref. SD19A/0393), there is a real possibility that at short notice the existing Educate Together School may not have a guaranteed location for a subsequent school year as has occurred to other schools located within temporary buildings in the wider County Dublin. At present, it is highly likely that children of residents of Rathcoole who are enrolled in the Rathcoole Education Together school will not have the opportunity to attend a permanent school building within Rathcoole Village for the entirety of the lifetime of their primary school going years. Furthermore, in the event that an alternative temporary location is required, there are concerns that this may not be within the immediate locality thereby requiring Rathcoole residents to travel further to drop their children to school.

It is considered that the proposed land swap will result in substantial delays for the development of a school building and consider that the existing DOE owned site should be retained for its originally intended school use. The proposed land swap presents the potential for legal complications requiring full agreement between both parties and the likely delays this may cause.

In this regard, it is requested that the CE clarify the extent of discussions or agreement with the DOE relating to the proposed land swap. The masterplan as proposed will re-locate the school site centrally within the SDCC lands. The new school site is therefore entirely reliant on the delivery of the SDCC development and is not viable should the SDCC scheme be substantially delayed. The retention of the school site within the existing DOE lands has greater potential to proceed in the near future subject to suitability in the context of the Woodlands and opens up the potential for a phased form of development.

Mot (14)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Stephen Willoughby

This motion relates to CSO10 SLO1 in the Draft Plan and submissions by all named individuals commencing with SD-C195-68 Peter Meighan on page 211 of the CE Report with recommendation commencing on page 216 Amend proposed SLO referenced on page 215 from To ensure the protection and augmentation of the identified alluvial woodlands within the zoning RU, and in recognising their value as green infrastructure and the potential linkages to Lugg Woods and Slade Valley and other amenity areas, provide for sensitive passive amenity uses which have regard to their Annex 1 status. To To ensure the adequate protection and augmentation of the identified alluvial woodlands within the zoning RU, and in recognising their value as green infrastructure and the potential linkages to Lugg Woods and Slade Valley and other amenity areas, provide for sensitive passive amenity uses which have regard to their Annex 1 status and in valuing their Priority Annex 1 status, propose the site as a Natura 2000 site, or candidate NHA and a Wildlife Reserve.

Mot (15)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Stephen Willoughby

Rezone lands at Green Lane, Rathcoole, ( C. 2.6 ha ) from Objective 'RU'-'To protect and improve rural amenity and to provide for the development of agricultural' to Objective 'RES-N' -, 'To provide for new residential communities in accordance with approved area plans' and include an SLO to read ‘Development of this land will  be progressed in tandem with the transfer of 3.2 hectare ( 8 acres ) to Rathcoole Community Council for community facilities and an additional SLO to read :-“Development of this land will  be progressed in tandem with the delivery of a new relief road infrastructure as a replacement road to Whitehouse Lane from the N7 junction to a proposed roundabout at Johnstown Road together with extended bus route and bus lane along Kilteel Road” 

Mot (16)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor

To retain the Draft Plan zoning of  'RES-N' - 'To provide for new residential communities in accordance with approved area plans' on lands to the southwest of Rathcoole which have been recommended for rezoning to ‘RU’ - 'To protect and improve rural amenity and to provide for the development of agricultural' arising from recommended changes by the Office of the Planning Regulator


Mot (17)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 2, Page 112 Ref SD-C195-64 from Saggart Residents Association, Insert an SLO for a Local Area Plan for Saggart 

Reason - Different Electoral Area and to make it separate to the Fortunestown Local Area Plan

Mot (18)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. O'Brien, Councillor V. Casserly
Stephen Willoughby

Motion: 'That this Council retain the proposed 'RES' zoning for Cooldrinagh Lane as per the draft South Dublin Development Plan zoning map. This includes the amendment of the existing 'Rural and Agriculture' (RU) zoning to 'Existing Residential' (RES), to facilitate land use which is consistent with the existing settlement pattern in this particular area and remains consistent with National Planning Policy. Local Objective CS11 SL01 Submission SD-CD195-227 Recommendation 5, CE Report Core Strategy, Pg 38. Submitted by Cllr Ed O'Brien and Cllr Vicki Casserly

Mot (19)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Stephen Willoughby

SD-C-227 OPR CS11 SLO1 Pg 38/39 - Rezone the lands from RES to RU and remove Specific Local Objective CS11 SLO1 relating to lands at Cooldrinagh Lane To amend to; 'To retain the residential zoning of land and the Specific Local Objective relating to lands at Cooldrinagh Lane, as previously agreed in the draft County Development Plan'.

Submitted By: Cllr Derren Ó Brádaigh & Cllr William Carey

Mot (20)
Submitted by:
Councillor L. O'Toole, Councillor V. Casserly
Stephen Willoughby

1. Motion in the names of Cllr Vicki Casserly and Cllr Liona OToole Re: Submission SD-C-227 OPR CS11 SLO1 38/39 Pg 38-39 (Rezone the lands from RES to RU and remove Specific Local Objective CS11 SLO1 relating to lands at Cooldrinagh Lane) That this committee agrees to NOT accept the CE recommendation as stated against Submission SD-C-227 OPR CS11 SLO1 pages 38/39, therefore retaining the current zoning RES. 

Mot (21)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor S. O'Hara
Stephen Willoughby

This motion refers to the Chapter 2 Core Strategy, Population and Housing Data, Table 9 Land Capacity and Table 10 Core Strategy, page 69 of CE Report, submissions SD-C195-45. Motion: To amend Table 9 Land Capacity and Table 10 Core Strategy to include Rathcoole as a Self-Sustaining Town.

Submitted by Cllr Shirley O'Hara and Cllr Brian Lawlor

Mot (22)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

Motion in the names of Cllr Liona O'Toole, Guss O'Connell, Paul Gogarty Re: submission SD-C195-151 (AshPark) That this committee does NOT accept the CE recommendations as stated against submission SD-C195-151 page 187

Mot (23)
Submitted by:
Councillor A. Hayes
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 2: Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy, Submission SD-C195-301. Pages 138 & 139 (as amended in Errata document) That no change in zoning take place at lands located at Riversdale House, Old Lucan Road, Palmerstown and the area remains under zoning Objective HA - High Amenity - To protect and enhance the outstanding natural character and amenity of the Liffey Valley, Dodder Valley and Dublin Mountains areas'

Mot (24)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Murphy
Stephen Willoughby

This Motion refers to Land Use Zoning Map Sheet 9, Chapter 2: Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy; CE Report Page Number 150-152; Submission Reference: SD-C195-128 Motion re Lands located between Old Bawn Road, Bohernabreena Road and the Kiltipper Road, Tallaght and adjacent to the Old Mill Development. To amend Map 9 to the subject site (1.6 hectares of lands located between Old Bawn Road, Bohernabreena Road and the Kiltipper Road, Tallaght and adjacent to the Old Mill Development), from 'Objective HA', which seeks 'To protect and enhance the outstanding natural character and amenity of the Liffey Valley, Dodder Valley and Dublin Mountains areas' to 'Objective RES-N, which seeks 'To provide for new residential communities in accordance with approved area plans'.

Mot (25)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. McMahon
Stephen Willoughby

Ref - SD-C195-204 Page 326 To increase the area of land from 3.27ha to 3.94ha to LC - Local Centre, as per the original submission on behalf of the Dublin GAA County Board - while leaving the restrictions as per the Chief Executive recommendations in EDE 14 SLO 1.

Mot (26)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

In names of Cllrs Paul Gogarty, Guss O'Connell, Liona O'Toole (in that order) Ref: Submission SD-C195-161 Hines Real Estate Ireland Limited, page 329 CE Report That Liffey Valley Shopping Centre to be changed from 'MRC - Major Retail Centre' to 'TC Town Centre', a Level 2 Town Centre.

Mot (27)
Submitted by:
Councillor T. Costello
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 2 Core Strategy CE Report pages: 308-312 Submission SD-C195-257 To rezone the lands on attached map marked in red from OS and RU to EE and to include a SLO as follows: 'To facilitate warehousing and ancillary uses at the former Hazel Grove Golf Club, Kiltalown, Saggart, off the N81 National Secondary Road subject to proper planning and sustainable development including protection of the operating capacity and safety of the N81 and its junction with Mount Seskin Road.' REASON: National and regional policy is rightly to increase density in urban areas, such as Tallaght. This has a negative impact on necessary, if less valuable, lower order warehouse / distribution land uses, which may be forced to relocate to areas remote from the urban centres. In order to ensure a margin of flexibility in the Development Plan for the facilitation of such lower order warehouse/distribution related uses, including the need to retain such necessary uses within the County, but which are planned to be displaced by higher density residential and mixed use developments from more centrally located lands in the Tallaght area (e.g. Cookstown) and noting the impediments to agricultural use of portion of the lands subject of the submission, it is proposed to rezone lands at Kiltalown, Saggart, as recommended by the CEO, from OS to RU with the addition that the northernmost section in the land holding (bounded to the south by the Irish Water main) be rezoned to EE with an SLO

Mot (28)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor K. Egan
Stephen Willoughby

This motion refers to Chapter 9 Economic Development and Employment, page 308 of the CE's report, submission SD-C195-257 Motion: To rezone this site from RU to EE.submitted by Cllr Kenneth Egan and Cllr Brian Lawlor

Mot (29)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. McMahon
Stephen Willoughby

Ref SD-C195-180 Page 289 To Change the Zoning on the Small site (.56ha) identified on submission SD-C195-180, from RU to EE to tie in with EE zoning on neighbouring property

Mot (30)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Stephen Willoughby

 SD-C195-143 Pages 259- 260.That the land at Whitestown Business Park fronting on to Whitestown Way outlined in blue on the attached extract map from the current Development Plan and circled in blue on the extract map from the Tallaght Local Area Plan be zoned REGEN and in adopting this Motion the Council notes:

That the land is strategically located within th Tallaght Centre Area as identified in the adopted Tallaght Local Area Plan in close proximity to all services and infrastructure.

 The land is in walking distance of The Square, Sean Walsh Park, Tallaght Stadium,Tallaght Hospital etc. is designated as suitable for 4-6 storeys residential and/or 3-4 storeys commercial in the Tallaght Local Area Plan.

The land has remained underdeveloped for decades under its current zoning and woud be a ready to go site for much needed housing provision when appropriately zoned

Mot (31)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

Motion in the names of Cllr Liona O'Toole, Guss O'Connell, Paul Gogarty RE: submission SD-C195-74 Page 272 (Kilsaran Lands, Lucan from RU to EE) This committee agrees with the submission made SD-C195-74 Page 272 to change the zone from RU to EE and does NOT agree with the CE recommendation as stated in the report.

Natural Heritage & Built Heritage


Mot (32)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. McMahon
Anne Hyland

Red SD-C195-279 Page 412 To include the property Palmyra on Whitechurch Road as a protected structure, due to its' archaeological and historic significance.

Mot (33)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. McMahon
Anne Hyland

Ref SD-C195-109 Page 411 To include Friarstown House and its outbuildings (Council Owned) as a protected structure

Mot (34)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Anne Hyland

Chapter 3 Ref SD-C195-265 (CE Report p419) That this council inserts an SLO to protect Glebe House in Rathcoole that is in an Architectural Conservation Area.

Green Infrastructure


Mot (35)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Murphy, Councillor A. Edge
Anne Hyland

GI Strategic Theme-Recreation and Amenity (Human Health and Wellbeing); CE Report p.445; SD-C195-154 To reject the proposal to amend text relating to allotments (page 150 of Draft Plan) from 'Friarstown in Bohernabreena' to 'Friarstown in Tallaght'. To read: 'Friarstown in Bohernabreena' as per the original draft. Reason: The area is in the postal area of Bohernabreena and is physically located in Bohernabreena, off Bohernabreena Hill and adjacent to Bohernabreena Parish Church (St Anne's). The proposed change is unnecessary and confusing. Submitted by Cllr Alan Edge and Cllr Emma Murphy

Mot (36)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Anne Hyland

This motion relates to Chapter 4: Green Infrastructure, Submission SD-C195-19, page 771 (or 768) of the report. Amend GI 5 Objective 6: To add at the end of this objective 'with an emphasis on planting native Irish trees as appropriate'

Mot (37)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Anne Hyland

7.This motion relates to Chapter 4: Green infrastructure, Submission SDCC-C195-279 on page 392 (or page 389) of the plan. Amend GI2 Objective 9: To "examine and" exploit "where appropriate" the full potential of "dumps and quarries as well as" existing underutilised perimeter and border park spaces through the augmentation of wild grasses and other naturally occurring vegetation that enhance local area biodiversity and habitats in support of the National Pollinator Plan and to consider wildflower meadows where beneficial to biodiversity.'

Mot (38)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh
Anne Hyland

This motion refers to Chapter 4: Green Infrastructure, pg 447-450 Submission SD-C195-248 To amend Strategic Corridor 5: Camac River Corridor Under Core Areas and Stepping Stones from Core Areas: Corkagh Park to Core Areas: Corkagh Park Rathcoole Woodlands Rationale: To include the Rathcoole Woodlands as a core green area in the GI. The CE Response considers the woodlands too small, but the Alluvial Woodland component of woodlands at Rathcoole is still considerable given that the National Survey of Native Woodlands found: 'The majority of surveyed woodlands were small or very small in extent, with 50% of sites being 6 ha or less…, over two thirds (67.8%) of sites were 10 ha or less and only 3.3% of sites surveyed were 50 ha or more, with just ten sites over 100 ha…This reflects the highly fragmented nature of the Irish woodland resource..' I believe this significance merits inclusion as a core area.

Mot (39)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Anne Hyland

CE Report Chapter 4, page 440-441, Ref SD-C195-64 from Saggart Village Residents' Association, Insert an SLO to complete a flood risk assessment for Saggart and to fund the recommendations of this assessment towards restoring and protecting existing biodiversity, ecosystems and drain systems

Mot (40)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Anne Hyland

This motion relates to Chapter 4: Green Infrastructure, Submission SD-C195-279, page 462 (or 459). Amend GI2 Objective 5 to add at the end of this objective the following words "such proactive approach to include provision to inspect development sites post construction to ensure hedgerow coverage has been protected as per the plan'



Mot (41)
Submitted by:
Councillor Joanna Tuffy
Stephen Willoughby

H3 Objective 13 'or' Chapter 6 Housing SD-C-227 OPR CE Report pages 47-48 Amend H1 Objective 13 to add word "or" before third bullet point

Mot (42)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Stephen Willoughby

This motion relates to chapter 6 Housing, submission SD-C195-229 on page 523 of the CE report. To remove the following sentence from the CE recommendation to Amend H1 Objective 13: (excluding Build-to-Rent developments) The amended Objective to read: Proposals for residential shall provide a minimum of 30% 3-bedroom units, a lesser provision may be acceptable where it can be demonstrated that: ? there are unique site constraints that would prevent such provision or ? that the proposed housing mix meets the specific demand required in an area, having regard to the prevailing housing type within a 10-minute walk of the site and to the socioeconomic, population and housing data set out in the Housing Strategy and Interim HNDA; or ? the scheme is a social and/or affordable housing scheme Reason: With the large number of Build-To-Rent developments this amendment would effectively render the Objective useless and would even encourage more unaffordable Build-to-Rent developments.

Mot (43)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Stephen Willoughby

Page 87 SD-C195-245 National Transport Authority CE Recommendation: Amend H7 Objective 3 to read: from 'To support the principle of permeability schemes that provide improved connections between housing estates and their surrounds for walking and cycling whilst taking account of anti-social behaviour.' and only progressing vehicle permeability schemes where necessary to 'To support the principle of permeability schemes that provide improved connections between housing estates and their surrounds for walking and cycling whilst taking into account the need to ensure that anti-social behaviour is not increased or facilitated by such schemes. proposed by Cllr William Carey and Cllr Derren OBradaigh

Mot (44)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

Motion: In the names of Cllrs Paul Gogarty, Guss O'Connell, Liona O'Toole Reference: SD-C195-222 Tallaght Community Council, page 569 Amend H10 Objective 3 to read: To ensure that new housing units, including apartments, provide enough space to allow residents to work from home.

Mot (45)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. McMahon
Stephen Willoughby

Ref SD-C195-233, Chapter 6, page 546 - To amend the wording to H3 SLO1 Take out "older persons and supported living" and insert "suitable housing to meet local needs" to read "To facilitate the provision of suitable housing to meet local needs as part of a de-congregation plan for Cheeverstown House in consultation with the Planning Authority. Any redevelopment must positively address the highly sensitive environmental characteristics of the site in relation to Flood Risk, the Riparian Corridor and Green Infracture principles. The scale of any residential development must not exceed the existing gross floor space of the existing use of the site, discounting the floor space of the protected structure on site"

Mot (46)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Stephen Willoughby

SD-C-227 OPR H1 Objective 2 Pg 46-47 To retain the original wording in the draft CDP; 'To require that 25% of lands zoned for residential use, or for a mixture of residential and other uses for development of 9 or more units or development of units on land greater than 0.1 hectares (or relevant figures as may be revised by legislation) be reserved for social and affordable housing in accordance with the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015 and the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). Submitted By: Cllr Derren Ó Brádaigh & Cllr William Carey

Mot (47)
Submitted by:
Councillor C. O'Connor
Stephen Willoughby

OPR Observation 8 Housing Objective H3+,

Chapter 2 Pages 49-50

That in the support of the Government's Housing for all policy, in particular Section 6.3.1 Housing for Older People and SDCC's objective H3+ (Copies enclosed) relating to OS Open Space the Council Agrees to include community led housing for older people, Council affordable housing and nursing homes/retirement villages in established areas in the 'Permitted in Principle' column of the land use zoing matrix to give better effect to this farseeing and timely policy.

Mot (48)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor S. O'Hara
Stephen Willoughby

This motion refers to the Chapter 6 Housing, Rural Housing Strategy, page 582 of CE report, submission: SD-C195-217. Motion: To remove the phrase 'exceptional circumstances' from Housing (H) Policy 18 Housing in RU Zone and from H1 Objective 1 of the Draft Development Plan. Submitted by Cllr Shirley O'Hara and Cllr Brian Lawlor

Mot (49)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor S. O'Hara
Stephen Willoughby

This motion refers to the Chapter 6 Housing, Rural Housing Strategy, page 582, submission: SD-C195-217. Motion: To amend the Rural Housing Policies and Local Need Criteria Housing (H) Policy 17 Housing in RU Zone to include persons who have grown up or spent substantial periods of their lives, (12 years), living in the area, who have moved away and who now wish to return to reside near to, or to care for, immediate family members, seeking to build on the family landholding or on a site within 5 km of the original family home, and that immediate family members are defined as mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister or guardian. Submitted by Cllr Shirley O'Hara and Cllr Brian Lawlor 

Sustainable Movement


Mot (50)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Stephen Willoughby

Ref SM6 SLO1 Chapter 7 (P718) Amend SM6 SLO1 from: To investigate the need to carry out a traffic and transport study for Rathcoole, Saggart and Newcastle and the surrounding areas following the publication of the GDA Strategy review to 2042 which will clarify the context within which the road network in the area will function and to include a review of HGV movement To: To carry out a traffic and transport study for Rathcoole, Saggart and Newcastle and the surrounding areas following the publication of the GDA Strategy review to 2042 which will clarify the context within which the road network in the area will function and to include a review of HGV movement

Mot (51)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Stephen Willoughby

SD-C195- 245 National Transport Authority SM2 Objective 4 Pg 94 Amend SM2 Objective 4 from: 'To ensure that connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists is maximised and walking and cycling distances are reduced in existing built-up areas, by removing barriers to movement and providing active travel facilities in order to increase access to local shops, schools, public transport services and other amenities through filtered permeability, while also taking account of existing patterns of anti-social behaviour in the removal of such barriers. To read; 'To ensure that connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists is maximised and walking and cycling distances are reduced in existing built-up areas, by removing barriers to movement and providing active travel facilities in order to increase access to local shops, schools, public transport services and other amenities through filtered permeability, while also taking account of existing patterns of anti-social behaviour in the removal of such barriers, with due consideration and consultation to be provided for local residential input, where the need is evident or expressed'. Submitted By: Cllr Derren Ó Brádaigh & Cllr William Carey

Mot (52)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Stephen Willoughby

This motion relates to Chapter 7: Sustainable Movement, Submission SD-C195-19 on page 625 (or 621) of the report. Amend SM2 Objective 2: To create a comprehensive and legible 'well signposted and well maintained' Countywide network of safe cycling and walking routes that link communities to key destinations, amenities and leisure activities through implementation of the Cycle South Dublin project, the recommendations of the Sustainable Movement Studies and other permeability measures Reason: To highlight awareness of, and promote maximum usage of, safe cycling and walking routes

Mot (53)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

In names of Cllrs Paul Gogarty, Liona O'Toole, Guss O'Connell (in that order) Ref: Submission SD-C195-161 Hines Real Estate Ireland Limited, page 329 CE Report - To insert a Specific Local Objective to create a dedicated walking and cycling route from Greenfort/Shancastle and from the Coldcut Road to Liffey Valley Shopping Centre.  Rationale: To increase linkages between the main population centre of Palmerstown and the Liffey Valley retail and any future community amenities

Mot (54)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

In names of Cllrs Paul Gogarty, Guss O'Connell, Liona O'Toole (in that order)

Ref: Submission SD-C195-161 Hines Real Estate Ireland Limited, page 329 CE Report To insert a Specific Local Objective to create a walking and cycling route from Kennelsfort Road, past Super Valu Shopping Centre, alongside cemetery, over the M50 to Liffey Valley Shopping Centre.     

Rationale: To increase linkages between the main population centre of Palmerstown and the Liffey Valley retail and any future community amenities

Mot (55)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Stephen Willoughby

SD-C195-181 - ESB Chapter 7,  Page 588 - Chapter Sustainable Movement and Climate Action Insert new objective; 'All parking spaces and homes in the Clonburris and Adamstown SDZ and all future developments to accommodate charging points that include and meet the EV requirements for residents of apartment units with off street and underground carparking'. Submitted By: Cllr Derren Ó Brádaigh & Cllr William Carey

Mot (56)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

5. Motion in the names of Cllr Liona O'Toole, Guss O'Connell, Paul Gogarty SD-C195-2 CE Response pg.608 Chapter 7 Motion seeks to add in NEW AND EXISTING Amend from: SM3 Objective 6: To establish future public transport routes that will support the County's medium to long term development, including orbital routes to provide connectivity between outer suburban areas. To: SM3 Objective 6: To establish future public transport routes that will support the County's medium to long term development, including NEW AND EXISTING orbital routes to provide connectivity between outer suburban areas.

Mot (57)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Stephen Willoughby

SD-C195-245 - NTA - Page 89 To insert new objective; 'To work closely with the NTA to deliver a fit for purpose public transport service, that meets the needs of commuters, by expanding and delivering upon the existing BusConnects service and future planned rail connectivity through the roll-out of Dart + South West and delivery of the Luas, in parallel with Clonburris and Adamstown developments'. Submitted By: Cllr Derren Ó Brádaigh & Cllr William Carey

Mot (58)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

6. Motion in the names of Cllr Liona O'Toole, Guss O'Connell, Paul Gogarty SD-C195-2 CSD-C195-2E response page 609 Motion seeks to remove ADAMSTOWN, CLONBURRIS and create a separate policy for Adamstown and Clonburris Amend from: SM3 Objective 12: To work with the NTA to secure the expansion of the bus network to serve new development and regeneration areas within the South Dublin County area including Tallaght, Naas Road, Adamstown, Clonburris, Fortunestown, Ballycullen and Newcastle. To: SM3 Objective 12: To work with the NTA to secure the expansion of the bus network to serve new development and regeneration areas within the South Dublin County area including Tallaght, Naas Road, Fortunestown, Ballycullen and Newcastle. New SM3 Objective? To work with the NTA to ensure the delivery of distinct new bus networks in Clonburris and Adamstown SDZ developments.

Mot (59)
Submitted by:
Councillor A. Edge
Stephen Willoughby

Chapter 7, Re. SD-C195-123, page 644.  To add a SLO under SM3 Objective 15, to read as follows: 'SM3 Objective 15: To support the enhancement of the Local Link Rural Transport Programme in order to provide the rural communities of the County with access to improved bus services. SLO: To engage with stakeholders to facilitate an improvement in public transport options for rural settlements within the Bohernabreena and Glenasmole region.'

Mot (60)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Stephen Willoughby

This motion relates to Chapter 7: Sustainable Movement, Submission SD-C195-19 on page 672 (or 669) of the report. Amend SM3 Objective 7 to add at the end of this objective the following words 'and also examining the feasibility of linking the red and green Luas lines at a strategic location to be determined, such as between Tallaght and Sandyford, to increase public transport links and permeability in Dublin Southwest' Reason: To optimise transport routes for the Dublin Southwest area which would greatly alleviate traffic congestion and associated traffic pollution

Mot (61)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Murphy
Stephen Willoughby

CE Report Errata Document B Relating to issues raised in submissions on Whitechurch/Edmondstown Chapter 7 Sustainable Movement and to Edward Fox submission SD-C195-52

That a DMURS compliant link road with associated pedestrian and cycle paths be provided from the College Road /Whitechurch Road junction to the Edmonstown Road as a 6-year transportation objective, to address issues of accessibility across the Edmondstown Lands and the wider area to provides links to existing routes, services and recreational facilities in the area.

Mot (62)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

4. Motion in the names of Cllr Liona O'Toole, Guss O'Connell, Paul Gogarty Re: Submission SD-C195-245 (NTA) Pg 96 Motion seeks to add in 'PERIHERAL ROADS WITHIN THE COUNTY INCLUDING' Amend CE proposed wording from: Description - New road from the N7 to the N4 with a potential extension to the N81. New Road to link between the N7 and the N4 Leixlip Interchange with a route by-pass function around Rathcoole and Saggart and the potential for a further extension of this route from the N7 to the N81. The function of this route would be to provide resilience to the M50, in particular between the N7 and N4 and further connections and possible alternative routes will be determined through the review of the NTA's GDA Strategy and in consultation with TII and relevant local authorities. In any such route a primary objective of South Dublin County Council shall be to protect environmentally sensitive areas including the scenic Liffey Valley parklands, and amenities at Lucan Demesne and St Catherine's Park and Lucan Village and no proposals to continue a road over these lands will be considered To: New Road to link between the N7 and the N4 Leixlip Interchange with a route by-pass function around Rathcoole and Saggart and the potential for a further extension of this route from the N7 to the N81. The function of this route would be to provide resilience to PERIHERAL ROADS WITHIN THE COUNTY INCLUDING the M50, in particular between the N7 and N4 and further connections and possible alternative routes will be determined through the review of the NTA's GDA Strategy and in consultation with TII and relevant local authorities. In any such route a primary objective of South Dublin County Council shall be to protect environmentally sensitive areas including the scenic Liffey Valley parklands, and amenities at Lucan Demesne and St Catherine's Park and Lucan Village and no proposals to continue a road over these lands will be considered

Mot (63)
Submitted by:
Councillor Peter Kavanagh
Stephen Willoughby

This motion refers to submission: SD-C195-248 Chapter 7, page 701 of the CE Report To amend the last paragraph of the CE Recommendation as follows: "In any such route a primary objective of South Dublin County Council shall be to protect environmentally sensitive areas including the scenic Liffey Valley parklands, the Rathcoole Woodlands, and amenities at Lucan Demesne and St Catherine's Park and Lucan Village and no proposals to continue a road over these lands will be considered."

Mot (64)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Stephen Willoughby

Ref SD-C195-248 Four Districts Woodland Habitat Group Chapter 7: Sustainable Movement Introduction Sustainable Road Network Page 701 To amend the Chief Executives recommendation Description - New road from the N7 to the N4 with a potential extension to the N81. Function: New Road to link between the N7 and the N4 Leixlip Interchange with a route by-pass function around Rathcoole and Saggart and the potential for a further extension of this route from the N7 to the N81. The function of this route would be to provide resilience to the M50 in particular between the N7 and N4 and further connections and possible alternative routes will be determined through the review of the NTA's GDA Strategy and in consultation with TII and relevant local authorities. In any such route a primary objective of South Dublin County Council shall be to protect environmentally sensitive areas including the scenic Liffey Valley parklands, and amenities at Lucan Demesne and St Catherine's Park and Lucan Village and no proposals to continue a road over these lands will be considered. To: Description-New Road from the N7 to the N4 with a potential extension to the N81. Function: New Road to link between the N7 and the N4 Leixlip Interchange with a route by-pass function around Rathcoole and Saggart and the potential for a further extension of this route from the N7 to the N81. The function of this route would be to provide resilience to the M50 in particular between the N7 and N4 and further connections and possible alternative routes will be determined through the review of the NTA's GDA Strategy and in consultation with TII and relevant local authorities. In any such route a primary objective of South Dublin County Council shall be to protect environmentally sensitive areas including the scenic Liffey Valley parklands, and amenities at Lucan Demesne and St Catherine's Park and Lucan Village and Woodlands at Rathcoole, and no proposals to continue a road over these lands will be considered. The Council are asked to amend the Chief Executives recommendation as outlined above and any other such related amendment to the item with wording as suggested in red text for the protection of Rathcoole Woodlands should an extension to the N81 be initiated which is currently routed through the tip of the southern edge of woodland, Priority Annex Alluvial Woodland 91EO, and also routed in very close proximity to said Woodland, see map of route in Development Plan or should any other routing arise that is close or through Woodlands at Rathcoole.

Mot (65)
Submitted by:
Councillor B. Lawlor, Councillor S. O'Hara
Stephen Willoughby

This motion refers to Chapter 7 Sustainable Movement and to Table 7.5 referred to on page 54, 96 and 696, various submissions including SD-C195-64 That the description and function of the Western Dublin Orbital Route as set out in the Draft County Development Plan is retained Submitted by Cllr Shirley O'Hara and Cllr Brian Lawlor

Mot (66)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Stephen Willoughby

Page 96 CE recommendation from Description - New road from the N7 to the N4 with a potential extension to the N81. to Description - New road from the N7 to the N4 with an extension to the N81. proposed by Cllr William Carey and Cllr Derren OBradaigh

Mot (67)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

MOTION Section 2.3 , Submission Number SD C195 - 245, Page 92 and 93 of the CE Report, (Ref Policy SM3) To change the Chief Executive's Recommendation as follows: FROM: Amend Table 7.5 to remove reference to 'Kennelsfort Road and the R148' and associated text and insert the same into Table 7.6 Medium to Long Term Road Objectives. TO: The Council shall work with the NTA and other state agencies to facilitate the delivery of the Kennelsfort Road-R148 grade separated junction or an equivalent solution to be initiated during the first two years of the 2022-2028 Development Plan and adjust the relevant tables as appropriate to reflect this objective. EXPLAINATION: The intent of the motion is to restore the original objective as set out in the Draft Plan. The Council, and successive County Development Plans, going back to the 1990s has promoted the objective of a grade separated junction at Kennelsfort Road/N4 (now Kennelsfort Road/R148). Now is the time to begin to deliver on this objective especially given the National commitment to address Climate change and its causes. The NRA is not addressing the issue when it states '….that there will be no significant increase in road capacity for private vehicles on radial roads inside the M50 Motorway'. (Michael Mac Ardee, Head of Strategic Planning, NRA, 15th September 2021). Road capacity is not the issue here. The need for a separated junction at this location is required in the first instance to re-unite the divided community of Palmerstown, to promote connectivity. The Community was divided to facilitate the realignment of the Lucan Road in the 1980s by the creation of the then N4, more recently downgraded from a national to a regional road. But the traffic has increased, not lessened. Secondly it creates an unnecessary source of both air and noise pollution in the midst of a residential area, especially at peak times, as motor vehicles are halted in both directions by unnecessary traffic signals. The current arrangement does not support an efficient BusConnect system. Neither does it promote or foster cyclists or pedestrians. The time has come to deliver on this long held objective. Councillors Guss O'Connell, Liona O'Toole, Paul Gogarty,

Mot (68)
Submitted by:
Councillor S. Moynihan
Stephen Willoughby

This motion relates to chapter 2, submission SD-C195-245 (National Transport Authority) on page 92 of the CE Report. Change existing text from "Amend Table 7.5 to remove reference to 'Kennelsfort Road and the R148' and associated text and insert the same into Table 7.6 Medium to Long Term Road Objectives." To "Ensure Table 7.5 keeps reference to 'Kennelsfort Road and the R148' and associated text.

Mot (69)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Stephen Willoughby

In names of Cllrs Paul Gogarty, Guss O'Connell, Liona O'Toole (in that order) Reference: SD-C195-245 National Transport Authority submission page 92 and CE recommendation page 93 That the reference to 'Kennelsfort Road and the R148' in Table 7.5 and associated text be retained as a short term objective in the six-year programme and not be moved into Table 7.6 Medium to Long Term Road Objectives.

Mot (70)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Stephen Willoughby

This motion relates to chapter 2.3 Observations, submission and recommendations from the NTA, submission SD-C195--245 on page 93 of the CE Report. To retain the 'Kennelsfort Rd and the R148' and associated text in Table 7.5 under the Six Year Road Programme.

Mot (71)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Stephen Willoughby

Ref SD-C195-64 from Saggart Village Residents' Association (P627 CE Report), that an SLO be added under SM2 Objective 5 ''to improve the safety of the road for pedestrians between Millbrook Nursing Home and Saggart Village.'' (There is currently no footpath on Castle Road beyond Drury Mills. This is a barrier for residents accessing community facilities on foot and a safety issue.)

Community Infrastructure & Open Space


Mot (72)
Submitted by:
Councillor Joanna Tuffy
Anne Hyland

Chapter 8 SD-C195-55 St. Patrick's Mental Health Services Page 782 of the CE Report re St. Patrick's Hospital submission 

To amend the CE Recommendation from:

NCBH7 SLO2: To work in collaboration with the owners of St Patricks Hospital lands at St Edmundsbury, Lucan in the preparation of a Masterplan to examine the potential for the future provision of mental health services and accommodation on the existing hospital campus lands. The Masterplan will have full regard to the setting and integrity of the Protected Structures on the lands, the highly sensitive environmental characteristics of the site in relation to the Liffey Valley and Green Infrastructure principles and the need to provide appropriate public access to the lands 


To work in collaboration with the owners of St Patricks Hospital lands at St Edmundsbury, Lucan in the preparation of a Masterplan to examine the potential for the future provision of mental health services and accommodation on the existing hospital campus lands. The Masterplan will have full regard to the setting and integrity of the Protected Structures on the lands, the highly sensitive environmental characteristics of the site in relation to the Liffey Valley and Green Infrastructure principles and the need to provide appropriate public access including an area of accessible public realm within the lands and connectivity to adjacent lands to further the overall objective of developing a Liffey Valley public park

Mot (73)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

Motion in the names of Cllrs Paul Gogarty, Liona O'Toole, Guss O'Connell Ref: SD-C195-256 Department of Education & Skills Page 791 To amend the CE Recommendation creating a new COS8 Objective 11 by adding the following after "feasible": ", while not diminishing the need for other facilities within the school grounds that could be shared with the community outside school hours as per COS8 Objective 8". to read COS8 Objective 11: To promote and support the use of public sports facilities by urban schools, during school hours, where feasible, while not diminishing the need for other facilities within the school grounds that could be shared with the community outside school hours as per COS8 Objective 8."

Mot (74)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Anne Hyland

Chapter 8 page 797 SD-C195-256 

 That this Council set an objective  to provide a Post Primary School for Newcastle 

Mot (75)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

8. Motion in the names of Cllr Liona O'Toole, Guss O'Connell, Paul Gogarty CE response to submission SD-C195-120 Pg 809 Motion seeks to add in additional wording 'into accounts areas without any such infrastructure, and' Amend from: To prepare a feasibility study for the development of Arts and Culture Infrastructure within the County, taking account of transport links To: To prepare a feasibility study for the development of Arts and Culture Infrastructure within the County, taking into account areas without any such infrastructure, and taking account of transport links

Mot (76)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Murphy
Anne Hyland

Chapter 8 CE Report p.736; SD-C195-11 That SDCC makes provision for a SLO for a swimming pool complex serving the growing Ballycullen, Knocklyon and Firhouse communities in this Development Plan

Mot (77)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Murphy
Anne Hyland

Chapter 8 CE Report p.736; SD-C195-11 That SDCC attaches a SLO to the playing pitches at St. Colmcilles Way occupied currently by Knocklyon United for provision of Astro playing facilities at the site

Mot (78)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. Murphy
Anne Hyland

Chapter 8 CE Report p.736; SD-C195-11 Insert a new objective ‘To provide for a public library to serve the growing Ballycullen, Knocklyon and Firhouse communities and indoor civic space to meet the inter-generational requirements of local communities including performance and exhibition space, indoor sports and artistic, cultural and recreational use’ 

REASON: To date, local communities have provided their own community facilities - which have long since exhausted the demands on them. Such space to include and cater for community needs, performance and exhibition space, indoor sports and artistic, cultural and recreational use

Mot (79)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Anne Hyland

Page 736 SD -C195-19 - Chapter Social/Commercial Infrastructure This submission raises concerns about a bias in the Council towards the eight villages in relation to the provision of community infrastructure and therefore instructs the Council to place Rowlagh Village on the same par as other Local Centres in the County with the same resources available to Rowlagh as Newcastle Village, Rathcoole Village, Saggart Village, Palmerstown Village, Templeogue Village, Lucan Village, Rathfarnham Village, Knocklyon Shopping Centre, Firhouse Shopping Centre & Palmerstown Shopping Centre Submitted By: Cllr Derren Ó Brádaigh & Cllr William Carey

Mot (80)
Submitted by:
Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

7. Motion in the names of Cllr Liona O'Toole, Guss O'Connell, Paul Gogarty SD-C195-254 (Garda station Clonburris) page 739 This submission has a request for an SLO to be inserted into the plan and motion asks that this committee supports the submission as follows: 'insert a Special Local Objective for the provision of a Garda Station in Clonburris'

Mot (81)
Submitted by:
Councillor F. Timmons
Anne Hyland

Chapter 8 Ref SD-C195-254 (CE Report p739) insert a Special Local Objective for the provision of a Garda Station in Clonburris

Mot (82)
Submitted by:
Councillor W. Carey, Councillor D. Ó Brádaigh
Anne Hyland

SD- C195-266 Chapter 8, Page 740- 741, - Chapter Social/Community Infrastructure To insert a new objective; 'To liaise with the Health Service Executive and all relevant bodies to support, promote and attract potential GP, Dental, Pharmacy and all other necessary medical services, to locate within the Adamstown and Clonburris SDZ's, in order to urgently meet basic growing healthcare demands of the community'. Submitted By: Cllr Derren Ó Brádaigh & Cllr William Carey

Mot (83)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. McMahon
Anne Hyland

SD-C195-212 Page 762 To insert an Objective COS4 - Objective 19 To ensure that all public all-weather pitches provided by South Dublin Co Co, cater for all team sports and are large enough to cater for a full size GAA pitch.

Mot (84)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

Motion in the names of Cllrs Paul Gogarty, Liona O'Toole, Guss O'Connell Ref: SD-C195-256 Department of Education & Skills page 789 Amend Chief Executive's recommended changes to COS8 Objective 3 from: Recommended COS8 Objective 3: That suitable school places are available to new communities, whether at an existing school or a new school. If a new school is required, to ensure that its delivery is planned in tandem with the delivery of the residential development, in accordance with the phasing requirements of Local Area Plans and Planning Schemes or as may be otherwise required. To read: To require schools to be provided in new communities on a phased basis in tandem with the delivery of residential development, unless the Department of Education requests otherwise and provides evidence to the Council and the elected members that existing schools can cater for requirements through extensions if necessary. Assuming a new school is required, to ensure that its delivery is planned in tandem with the delivery of the residential development, in accordance with the phasing requirements of Local Area Plans and Planning Schemes or as may be otherwise required.

Mot (85)
Submitted by:
Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Anne Hyland

Motion in the names of Cllrs Paul Gogarty, Guss O'Connell, Liona O'Toole Ref: SD-C195-256 Department of Education & Skills Page 793 - multiple submissions regarding school place provision based on Census 2016 and current population projections That a new Policy COS8(c) be created: To review school site provision in the Development Plan, following the publication of full Census 2022 results, cross referencing with class size allocations being used during the period in question, engaging with the Department of Education and Skills, the Elected Members and through submissions by education stakeholders and the general public so as to ensure accurate and adequate school provision requirements are identified and provided for primary and post primary schools at suitable locations.

Economic Development & Employment


Mot (86)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Anne Hyland

This motion relates to Chapter 9: Economic Development and Employment, Submission SD-C195-19 on page 389 (or 386) of the report. Amend Policy EDE20 Greenways, Trails and Loops to add at the end of this policy the following words 'and actively promote public awareness of the location and availability of these resources'

Mot (87)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Anne Hyland

This motion relates to Chapter 9: Economic Development and Employment, Submission SD-C195-19 on page 390 (or 387) of the report. Amend EDE 24 Objective 2 to add at the end of this objective the following words 'and to liaise with Coillte as appropriate'

Mot (88)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Anne Hyland

This motion relates to Chapter 9: Economic Development and Employment, Submission SDCC-C195-295 on page 867 (or page 864) of the plan. Amend EDE19 Objective 4: To support tourism-related enterprises along existing and proposed Green Routes, including greenways, "and to maximise the natural tourism potential along these routes at areas such as Ely's Arch in Rathfarnham" subject to sensitive design and development safeguards'.

Mot (89)
Submitted by:
Councillor Joanna Tuffy
Stephen Willoughby

SD-C-227 OPR Page 59 Public Rights of Way that the review of public rights of way would include other points of access to the SAAO Liffey Valley riverbank such as that adjacent to the Scouts Den between Chapel Hill and the River Bank, the entrance from the Old Rectory to the river bank and that there be an audit of all publicly owned lands near the river bank be they owned by any public authority including OPW, HSE etc.

Mot (90)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Anne Hyland

This motion relates to chapter 9 Economic Development & Employment, submission SD-C195-119 on page 829 of the CE report. To reject the CE recommendation of No change and ban data centres by moving Data Centre to Not Permitted under all zoning. Reason: It has become even more clear since the last Development Plan discussions that there is no more capacity for further data centres in the South Dublin area. EirGrid announced in December that it would not grant any further connections in the Dublin area until 2028. Since this coincides with dates of this plan it would be prudent to ban all new data centres for the duration of the plan.

Mot (91)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. McMahon
Anne Hyland

Ref SC-C195-222 Page 859 To include a new objective 2022-2028 County Development Plan in line with the provisions of the current County Development Plan 2010 – 2016 as set out under HCL10 Objective 10 to read "To promote and support the development of a tourist amenity and educational/interpretative centre, such as a working demonstration mill, within the Dodder Valley"




Mot (92)
Submitted by:
Councillor R. McMahon
Anne Hyland

In accordance with Page 876 of submission SD-C195-253 Energy -  To insert an Objective "To encourage and support small to medium scale wind energy developments in industrial and business parks and small-scale wind energy community developments for residential needs, in appropriate locations to serve on-site energy use and feedback of surplus to the national grid"

Mot (93)
Submitted by:
Councillor M. Johansson
Anne Hyland

This motion relates to Chapter 10 Energy, submission SD-C195-181 on page 877 of the CE report. To remove the following sentence from the new Section 11.5 Electricity Infrastructure: It is recognised that natural gas, particularly renewable and indigenous gas, will have a role to play in the transition to a low carbon economy. As such, renewable energy developments may require support from such sources in times of high energy demand. Reason: Neither natural gas nor so called renewable natural gas should be regarded as a greener alternative to other fossil fuels. Natural gas is a fossil fuel and should be phased out as soon as possible. It's still debatable whether or not RNG is a good alternative with many climate scientists advising against the replacing of natural gas with RNG.

Infrastructure & Environmental Services


Mot (94)
Submitted by:
Councillor Y. Collins
Anne Hyland

This motion relates to Chapter 11: Infrastructure and Environmental Services: Submission SDCC-C195-33 on page 902 (or page 899) of the plan. Amend IE4 Objective 4 To support and facilitate the delivery of flood alleviation schemes in South Dublin County including the schemes listed "in as environmentally sensitive a way as possible" and to ensure that zoning or development proposals do not impede or prevent the progression of these measures: ? Poddle Flood Alleviation Scheme. ? Camac Flood Alleviation Scheme. ? Whitechurch Flood Alleviation Scheme ? Lucan to Chapelizod Flood Alleviation Scheme

Mot (95)
Submitted by:
Councillor E. O'Brien
Anne Hyland

IE13 Objective 1: Chapter 11, Submission no. SD C195 20, Page 917  To prohibit all new development involving human occupancy in the Inner Public Safety Zones at Weston and Casement Aerodromes as identified on the Development Plan maps. Amend to: 'To prohibit new development which would involve additional human occupancy within the Inner PSZ Zones at Weston and Casement Aerodromes as identified on the Development Plan maps.'