South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, March 01, 2022


MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole

8. Motion in the names of Cllr Liona O'Toole, Guss O'Connell, Paul Gogarty CE response to submission SD-C195-120 Pg 809 Motion seeks to add in additional wording 'into accounts areas without any such infrastructure, and' Amend from: To prepare a feasibility study for the development of Arts and Culture Infrastructure within the County, taking account of transport links To: To prepare a feasibility study for the development of Arts and Culture Infrastructure within the County, taking into account areas without any such infrastructure, and taking account of transport links


The contents of this Motion are noted and acknowledged. The motion refers to amending COS11 Objective 8 which states:

“To prepare a feasibility study for the development of Arts and Culture Infrastructure within the County, taking account of transport links”.

To read:

“To prepare a feasibility study for the development of Arts and Culture Infrastructure within the County, taking into account areas without any such infrastructure, and taking account of transport links”.

The Arts Council in their submission state that arts and culture can play a contributing role to the social and economic development of places by creating vibrant places to live and creating social cohesion through festivals and events, community cultural activity, tourism interest and local identity and association with a particular place. In addition, the Arts Council submit that the provision of arts and culture in formal and informal spaces, for example, in the built and natural environment such as parks and open spaces, can make a significant contribution towards social, cultural and physical wellbeing to the community.

The Arts Council in their submission welcomed the value given to ‘arts and culture’ infrastructure, the recognition of culture and the arts as social/community infrastructure and a vital part of all neighbourhoods that contributes greatly to the social fabric and quality of life and the support for the development of arts at a local level. In addition, the Arts Council welcomed the acknowledgement of the South Dublin Arts Development Strategy 2016-2020 and the undertaking of a social/community infrastructure audit which has informed specific social infrastructure polices.

The inclusion of the new Objective COS11 Objective 8 was the result of discussions between the Planning Department and the Arts Officer. 

The proposed amendment to the objective is considered to be acceptable subject to minor rewording. 

CE Recommendation: It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment so that the CE Recommended COS11 Objective 8 reads:

To prepare a feasibility study for the development of Arts and Culture Infrastructure within the County, taking into account areas without any such infrastructure, and transport links.