Tuesday, March 01, 2022
MOTION: Councillor R. McMahon
Ref SD-C195-233, Chapter 6, page 546 - To amend the wording to H3 SLO1 Take out "older persons and supported living" and insert "suitable housing to meet local needs" to read "To facilitate the provision of suitable housing to meet local needs as part of a de-congregation plan for Cheeverstown House in consultation with the Planning Authority. Any redevelopment must positively address the highly sensitive environmental characteristics of the site in relation to Flood Risk, the Riparian Corridor and Green Infracture principles. The scale of any residential development must not exceed the existing gross floor space of the existing use of the site, discounting the floor space of the protected structure on site"
The motion proposes to amend the wording to H3 SLO1 to replace ‘older persons and supported living’ with ‘suitable housing to meet local need.
It should be noted that a previous motion was put forward at pre-Draft Plan stage under Motion ID: 71340 requesting that an SLO be inserted in relation to lands south of the Templeogue Road between Hillcrest and Corrybeg Estates, owned by the Cheeverstown Charity, to support a volume of residential development that equates to the existing floor space of the site for the purpose of Elderly and Supported living.
It was recommended by the CE to insert the following SLO:
To facilitate the provision of older persons and supported living which positively addresses the highly sensitive environmental characteristics of the site in relation to Flood Risk, the Riparian Corridor and Green Infrastructure principles. The scale of any replacement redevelopment must not exceed the existing gross floor space of the existing use on site, discounting the floorspace of the protected structure on site.
It should be further noted that the issue as raised in the subject motion was submitted to the Draft Plan through the public consultation period under submissions SD-C195-233 and the Chief Executive responded under Chapter 6: Housing for All, pages 546-549.
Having examined and considered the content of the motion, the view of the CE remains unchanged for the following reasons:
The subject site, Cheeverstown House, a protected structure and attendant grounds are zoned HA-DV (To protect and enhance the outstanding character and amenity of the Dodder Valley) in the Draft Development Plan. H3 SLO 1, by its nature, places a specific local objective on this site to facilitate the provision of older persons and supported living accommodation together with restrictions in relation to the quantum of the development. However, this is considered appropriate given the High Amenity zoning and the complex environmental and conservation issues at this site, while also recognising the opportunity to utilise this unique setting to address the housing needs of older people and provide for supported living. It is considered that the term ‘supported living’ includes for people with disabilities, with the aim of providing a range of attractive accommodation choices for people wishing to right size and/or seeking assisted living or supported housing options.
The overall Vision under the Draft Plan in respect to Housing is ensuring the delivery of high quality and well-designed homes in sustainable communities to meet a diversity of housing needs within the County. It is considered that H3 SLO 1 is consistent with the overarching objectives of the Draft Plan. However, it is noted that there are constraints on the site. Cheeverstown House, a Three Storey House, Templeogue (RPS No. 242/Map 06) is a protected structure. In addition, part of the subject site is located within the Riparian Corridor and Flood Zone B on the Draft Development Plan’s Green Infrastructure and Flood Risk Map. The land is also zoned High Amenity and the SLO seeks to balance the wider environmental requirements of the Dodder Valley corridor with the flexibility to provide for new types of accommodation on the site where building already exists.
Both the submission and the motion by way of the rewording are proposing to provide for what is in effect ‘Residential’ without any restrictions. The submission to which the motion relates discusses compact urban growth indicating that ‘a residential redevelopment of the Cheeverstown House site would be consistent with the RSES promotion of compact urban regeneration which has the potential to deliver appropriate residential density of high quality design and architecture.’
The Core Strategy of the Draft Development Plan has clearly indicated an excess of zoned lands in the County to meet the 2028 housing targets. As such, there is no requirement for these lands to provide for housing. The lands are also not zoned for housing, but are zoned HA, a purposefully restrictive zoning in areas which require protection because of their environmental importance and sensitivity. The Dodder Valley is a strategic Green Infrastructure Corridor in the Draft Plan and while it is recognised that there is existing built form on the lands in question, any redevelopment must be able to be considered as replacement and be capable of being assessed as a ‘non-conforming use’.
Having regard to the above it remains the opinion of the CE that H3 SLO1 is consistent with the overarching objectives of the Draft Plan and therefore it is considered that this motion should not be adopted.
CE Recommendation: It is recommended that this motion is not adopted.