South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, March 01, 2022


MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole

In names of Cllrs Paul Gogarty, Guss O'Connell, Liona O'Toole (in that order) Ref: Submission SD-C195-161 Hines Real Estate Ireland Limited, page 329 CE Report That Liffey Valley Shopping Centre to be changed from 'MRC - Major Retail Centre' to 'TC Town Centre', a Level 2 Town Centre.


The motion proposes that Liffey Valley Shopping Centre be changed from 'MRC - Major Retail Centre' to 'TC Town Centre', a Level 2 Town Centre.

This issue was submitted to the Draft Plan through the public consultation period under submission SD-C195-161 and the Chief Executive responded under Chapter 2 Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy – Centre Type Rezoning Submission, pg329-322. Having examined and considered the content of the motion, the view of the CE remains unchanged for the following reasons:

The core principle of the National Planning Framework (NPF) is compact urban growth which will be delivered through the consolidation of the exiting-built footprint of settlements. The Draft Plan prioritises the development of existing zoned lands particularly within MASP Strategic Development Areas namely Adamstown, Clonburris, Tallaght, Naas Road and Fortunestown. It is noted that Liffey Valley has not been identified as a Strategic Development Area within the Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan.

The Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy in Chapter 2 sets out population and housing figures which must be consistent with the National Planning Framework (NPF) and the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) as required under the Planning and Development Act 2000 (As Amended). South Dublin County is anticipated to grow by 46,518 persons with the housing target for the County, as set by Ministerial Guidelines and the NPF Road Map, being 17,817 homes between 2021 and 2028. Chapter 2 of the Draft Plan also confirms that the County has enough land for a further 10,470 units (79%) above the net household need and therefore there is no need to re-zone additional lands or zone new additional lands over and above those currently set out under the current 2016 County Development Plan. Having regard to above figures set out in the Core Strategy and the current excess of zoned land, without the need for further zoning, it is considered that there is sufficient flexibility to meet the household requirements for 2031 and potentially up to 2040.  The revised target figures of 15,576 for the Plan 6-year period in response to the Office of the Planning Regulator (OPR) recommendations, set out separately under the response to the OPR in the CE Report, do not impact on the excess land capacity available to meet the revised targets. Therefore, to re-zone or zone new additional lands over and above those currently set out in the Draft Plan would be contrary to National and Regional planning policy.

In the context of an excess of zoned lands in the County to meet housing targets, the rezoning of Liffey Valley to a ‘TC zoning’ which allows for residential would be contrary to National and Regional Planning Policy. 

The Retail Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area 2008 was prepared by the Dublin and the Mid-East Regional Authorities and carried over into the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy until such time as it may be reviewed. The retail hierarchy as expressed in the GDA strategy identifies Liffey Valley as a Level 2 Retail Centre. The significance of retailing as an employment sector and its role in placemaking is recognised in the NPF and the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES). The Retail Planning Guidelines for Planning Authorities, DECLG (2012) and the retail hierarchy set out in the RSES, form the basis for retail planning in South Dublin County.

It is noted that Liffey Valley alongside the Square in Tallaght form the only Level 2 retail centres within the County serving a significant catchment and providing significant employment opportunities. Policy EDE8: Retail of the Draft Plan seeks to “protect the vitality and viability of existing centres in accordance with the retail framework provided by the Retail Planning Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2012, or any superseding guidelines) and EMRA RSES Retail Hierarchy”. Liffey Valley Shopping Centre is designated as a Major Retail Centre (MRC), to reflect the Level 2 Retail designation under the regional retail hierarchy set out in the RSES.

EDE8 Objective 8 of the Draft Plan seeks “To direct new major retail floorspace in the County to designated centres at the appropriate level within the retail hierarchy, and to further direct major retail development in designated centres into the Core Retail Areas”. This objective is further supported by Policy EDE10, specifically through EDE10 Objective 2: “To support and facilitate consolidation of the quantum and quality of the retail offering at the Liffey Valley Major Retail Centre”.

Having regard to Liffey Valley’s position as a Level 2 retail designation under the regional retail hierarchy and to the fact that South Dublin has an excess of zoned lands to facilitate the housing targets for the County, the current Major Retail Centre designation is considered to be appropriate to its function and status.

CE Recommendation: It is recommended that this motion is not adopted and that the MRC zoning in the Draft Plan is retained.