South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, March 01, 2022


MOTION: Councillor Alan Edge

Chapter 7, Re. SD-C195-123, page 644.  To add a SLO under SM3 Objective 15, to read as follows: 'SM3 Objective 15: To support the enhancement of the Local Link Rural Transport Programme in order to provide the rural communities of the County with access to improved bus services. SLO: To engage with stakeholders to facilitate an improvement in public transport options for rural settlements within the Bohernabreena and Glenasmole region.'


The Motion seeks to include an SLO following SM3 Objective 15 of the Draft Development Plan, which currently reads: 

‘To support the enhancement of the Local Link Rural Transport Programme in order to provide the rural communities of the County with access to improved bus services.’ 

The suggested SLO which would complement SM3 Objective 15 would be as follows: 

‘To engage with stakeholders to facilitate an improvement in public transport options for rural settlements within the Bohernabreena and Glenasmole region.' 

The National Transport Authority is responsible for the Rural Transport Programme/TFI Local Link. TFI Local Link is managed and administered nationally by 15 Transport Co-ordination Units who are operating on behalf of Transport for Ireland (TFI).  

A key component of the TFI Local Link will be the Connecting Ireland Rural Mobility plan which is a major national initiative aimed at increasing connectivity, particularly for people outside the major towns and cities, and new services will be introduced over the next five years (starting 2022), for both rural routes and regional routes. TFI Local Link services may expand or alter over the years as the Connecting Ireland vision is delivered.? 

Under the provisions of SM1 Objective 7 it is an objective of the Plan: 

To engage with relevant agencies including the National Transport Authority (NTA) and Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) in relation to strategic and local transportation issues including delivery of transport projects and to encourage consultation with local communities.’ (EMPHASIS IN BOLD ADDED) 

It is considered that SM3 Objective 15 should be revised to make clear it includes ‘all’ rural areas and to provide for stakeholder consultation as part any proposed enhancements. 

CE Recommendation:  

It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment to amend SM3 Objective 15 of the Draft Plan as follows: 


To support the enhancement of the Local Link Rural Transport Programme in order to provide the rural communities of the County with access to improved bus services 


To support the enhancement of the Local Link Rural Transport Programme in consultation with stakeholders in order to provide all of the rural communities of the County, such as Bohernabreena and Glenasmole, with access to improved bus services