Tuesday, March 01, 2022
MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
6. Motion in the names of Cllr Liona O'Toole, Guss O'Connell, Paul Gogarty SD-C195-2 CSD-C195-2E response page 609 Motion seeks to remove ADAMSTOWN, CLONBURRIS and create a separate policy for Adamstown and Clonburris Amend from: SM3 Objective 12: To work with the NTA to secure the expansion of the bus network to serve new development and regeneration areas within the South Dublin County area including Tallaght, Naas Road, Adamstown, Clonburris, Fortunestown, Ballycullen and Newcastle. To: SM3 Objective 12: To work with the NTA to secure the expansion of the bus network to serve new development and regeneration areas within the South Dublin County area including Tallaght, Naas Road, Fortunestown, Ballycullen and Newcastle. New SM3 Objective? To work with the NTA to ensure the delivery of distinct new bus networks in Clonburris and Adamstown SDZ developments.
The motion seeks to remove the reference to Adamstown and Clonburris in SM3 Objective 12 and to include a new separate objective under policy SM3 for both Strategic Development Zones. This would result in amending SM3 Objective 12 from:
To work with the NTA to secure the expansion of the bus network to serve new development and regeneration areas within the South Dublin County area including Tallaght, Naas Road, Adamstown, Clonburris, Fortunestown, Ballycullen and Newcastle.
To: To work with the NTA to secure the expansion of the bus network to serve new development and regeneration areas within the South Dublin County area including Tallaght, Naas Road, Fortunestown, Ballycullen and Newcastle.
And a new objective under policy SM3 being inserted to read as follows: ‘To work with the NTA to ensure the delivery of distinct new bus networks in Clonburris and Adamstown SDZ developments.’
The content of the motion is noted. The expansion or delivery of new bus networks within the County falls under the remit of the National Transport Authority. Such measures are being carried out through BusConnects, the NTA programme for improvement of bus services in Dublin and other cities across Ireland and is a key part of Government policy to improve public transport and address climate change. The key elements of the strategy as it applies to Dublin are:
-A network of continuous bus priority and safe cycling facilities along 16 corridors;
-A redesigned more efficient bus network with high frequency spines, new orbital routes and increased bus services;
-More user-friendly and convenient ticketing and payment systems;
-Improved bus waiting facilities;
-A transition to a low emissions bus fleet.
-The provisions of SM3 Objective 12 relate to lands that benefit from an LAP (Tallaght, Fortunestown, Ballycullen and Newcastle), a Framework Plan (Naas Road now City Edge) or governed by a Strategic Development Zone (Clonburris and Adamstown). The delivery of transport infrastructure must align with the plan or framework developed for each particular area. Such plans and frameworks are developed in consultation with the National Transport Authority.
In the case of both Adamstown and Clonburris, these areas both have approved SDZ planning schemes, which include specifics with regards to public transport infrastructure delivery.
With regards to Clonburris, the Planning Scheme details the following:
‘The SDZ lands are positioned to benefit from a wide range of existing and planned transport opportunities offered by the Kildare/Cork Railway Line, the Grand Canal and an existing network of national, regional and local roads that are served by existing bus lanes and planned Core Bus Corridors (CBCs), as well as existing local bus routes.’
It is further specified that:
‘Further to the existing public transport infrastructure and services, the SDZ lands will be served (both directly and indirectly) by additional high quality public transport infrastructure projects planned under the NTA’s Transport Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area 2016 – 2035. These projects include the DART Expansion Programme, the Lucan Luas, the Tallaght – Blanchardstown Core Orbital Bus Route and other Core Radial Bus Routes. These planned projects will connect the SDZ lands, including existing public transport services and infrastructure into an integrated cross metropolitan network of orbital and radial routes and will greatly expand the route and mode choice for public transport users including residents and employees in Clonburris.
While Arterial Streets will accommodate strategic bus routes, Link Streets will accommodate local bus routes that will connect the SDZ lands together and provide the opportunity to connect planned Core Orbital Bus Routes with each other and with both rail stations.’
In regard to Adamstown SDZ, Section 2.4 (iv) Busway/QBC of the Planning Scheme details the specifics of the dedicated bus corridors for Adamstown and further linkages. It also intends to ‘continue to be supported by the National Transport Authority (NTA) as the regulatory body for bus provision in any actions or investments to improve the attractiveness of the bus system in the Greater Dublin Area.’
In addition to the above the SDZ identifies the railway station as a transport interchange between, rail, bus and car as well as walking and cycling modes of transportation.
Having regard to the above and the provisions of SM3 Objective 11 which states:
‘To facilitate the delivery of the BusConnects Core Bus Corridors and seek additional bus corridor and orbital routes to serve the County by securing and maintaining any required route reservations and to ensure the BusConnects Corridors do not adversely affect the village life and livelihoods of any of our County Villages’ and
SM3 Objective 12 ‘To work with the NTA to secure the expansion of the bus network to serve new development and regeneration areas within the South Dublin County area including Tallaght, Naas Road, Adamstown, Clonburris, Fortunestown, Ballycullen and Newcastle’ the inclusion of a further objective by the extraction of Clonburris and Adamstown from SM3 Objective 12 is not considered necessary.
It is considered that the motion can be adopted with amendment to provide for the intent of the motion.
CE Recommendation: It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment such that SM3 Objective 12 reads:
‘To work with the NTA to secure the expansion of the bus network, including distinct new bus networks as necessary, to serve new development and regeneration areas within the South Dublin County area including Tallaght, Naas Road, Adamstown, Clonburris, Fortunestown, Ballycullen and Newcastle’