South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, March 01, 2022


MOTION: Councillor Alan Hayes

Chapter 2: Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy, Submission SD-C195-301. Pages 138 & 139 (as amended in Errata document) That no change in zoning take place at lands located at Riversdale House, Old Lucan Road, Palmerstown and the area remains under zoning Objective HA - High Amenity - To protect and enhance the outstanding natural character and amenity of the Liffey Valley, Dodder Valley and Dublin Mountains areas'


The motion rejects the CE recommendation to rezone lands at Riversdale House, Old Lucan Road, Palmerstown from Objective HA – High Amenity to Objective RES – Existing Residential. 

It should be noted that this issue was raised through the public consultation period under submission SD-C195-301 where the landowner requested these lands forming the rear garden to the existing dwelling be rezoned from HA to existing residential in line with the zoning of the existing dwelling. The Chief Executive responded under Chapter 2 Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy –  Core Strategy, pg138-139. It should be further noted that the CE Recommendation for this submission was subject to an erratum which was published following the CE Report correcting the relevant zoning designation to Objective HA – High Amenity zoning of the lands and not Objective OS – Open Space as indicated originally in the CE Report.  

Having examined and considered the content of the motion, the view of the CE remains unchanged for the following reasons: 

It would appear that the lands in question serve as a private recreational area/garden spaces to the rear of Riversdale House and do not serve or form part of the adjoining residential housing development or agricultural fields. The subject lands comprise of a natural and heavily vegetated boundary that marks a distinct separation between the agricultural land and the space to the rear of  Riversdale House. The further agricultural area that extends from this space to the north, functions as a buffer for the River Liffey which is under a Special Amenity Area Order, and it is noted that the boundary of the subject lands/rear garden space is c.82m from the edge of the Special Amenity Area Order area.  

Furthermore, the immediate adjacent development of Riversdale Grove, zoned Objective RES – Existing Residential, extends an additional c.59m from the boundary of the subject lands and this residential development is directly adjacent to the Special Amenity Area Order area. It is therefore considered that the rezoning of the subject lands, which are contained and set back, will not unduly impact on the natural amenity or landscape of this area.  

Land use zoning objectives do not necessarily follow property boundaries. However, having regard to the permitted uses immediately adjacent, the rationalisation of a small area of land to the rear of an existing dwelling and currently serving as private open space, it is considered appropriate that the subject lands should be re-zoned from ‘HA’ to Objective ‘RES’, thereby providing one single land use class pertaining to the overall existing dwelling and associated private space area. 

CE Recommendation:  It is recommended that this motion is not adopted and as per the CE Report that map 2 of the Draft Plan be amended such that the zoning of these lands would change from HA - To protect and enhance the outstanding character and amenity of the Liffey Valley to RES – existing residential - ‘To protect and/or improve residential amenity’.