Tuesday, March 01, 2022
MOTION: Councillor Yvonne Collins
This motion relates to Chapter 4: Green Infrastructure, Submission SD-C195-19, page 771 (or 768) of the report. Amend GI 5 Objective 6: To add at the end of this objective 'with an emphasis on planting native Irish trees as appropriate'
The motion seeks an amendment to GI 5 Objective 6 providing for additional wording.
GI5 Objective 6: (Existing)
To provide more tree cover across the county, in particular to areas that are lacking trees.
GI5 Objective 6: (Proposed by Motion)
To provide more tree cover across the county, in particular to areas that are lacking trees with an emphasis on planting native Irish trees as appropriate.
Attention is drawn to other relevant objectives of the Draft Plan.
GI5 Objective 3:
To ensure compliance with the South Dublin Climate Change Action Plan and
the provisions of the Council’s Tree Management Strategy.
Increase the County’s tree canopy cover by promoting annual planting,
maintenance preservation and enhancement of trees, woodlands and
hedgerows within the County using locally native species and supporting
their integration into new development.
GI3 Objective 3:
To promote and protect native riparian vegetation along all watercourses and
ensure that a minimum 10m vegetated riparian buffer from the top of the
riverbank is maintained/reinstated along all watercourses within any
development site.
GI2 Objective 5:
To protect and enhance the County’s hedgerow network, in particular
hedgerows that form townland, parish and barony boundaries recognising their
historic and cultural importance in addition to their ecological importance and
increase hedgerow coverage using locally native species including a
commitment for no net loss of hedgerows on any development site and to take
a proactive approach to protection and enforcement.
It is considered that the proposed wording would be appropriate in light of the other provisions of the Draft Plan noted above. It is recommended that the motion is adopted.
CE Recommendation:
It is recommended that the motion is adopted.
GI5 Objective 6: to be amended from;
To provide more tree cover across the county, in particular to areas that are lacking trees.
GI5 Objective 6:
To provide more tree cover across the county, in particular to areas that are lacking trees with an emphasis on planting native Irish trees as appropriate.