South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, March 01, 2022


MOTION: Councillor Yvonne Collins

This motion relates to Chapter 4: Green Infrastructure, Submission SD-C195-279, page 462 (or 459). Amend GI2 Objective 5 to add at the end of this objective the following words "such proactive approach to include provision to inspect development sites post construction to ensure hedgerow coverage has been protected as per the plan'


GI 2 Objective 5 states: 

To protect and enhance the County’s hedgerow network, in particular 

hedgerows that form townland, parish and barony boundaries recognising their historic and cultural importance in addition to their ecological importance and increase hedgerow coverage using locally native species including a commitment for no net loss of hedgerows on any development site and to take a proactive approach to protection and enforcement. 


The motion seeks to add the following wording to the end of the objective: 


‘….such proactive approach to include provision to inspect development sites post construction to ensure hedgerow coverage has been protected as per the plan' 


It is practice for the Public Realm Department to request a bond on hedgerows to be retained on development sites. These bonds are typically released 3 years post completion of the development and require an arborists report to confirm that the hedgerow has been protected and is in good condition.  It is generally also requested that the arborist is retained for the period of the development and requested that they confirm that protection measures are in place and conditions are being adhered to. This approach is actively managed by the Public Realm Department of the Council. In respect of monitoring and implementation of the objectives of the Plan the recent release of the Draft Development Plan Guidelines for Local Authorities sets out a framework for the implementation and monitoring of CDP policies and objectives. Local Authorities are required to put in place practices which support the monitoring and review of policies and objectives in their County Development Plans. The Planning Department will start the process of putting in place a monitoring system following adoption of the Plan. 


Given that there is a well established pro-active system for the protection of hedgerows through the development and delivery phases of development in the County carried out as part of Public Realm’s operations it is not considered necessary to amend the objective of the Plan.  

CE Recommendation:   

It is recommended that the motion is not adopted.