South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, March 01, 2022


MOTION: Councillor R. McMahon

SD-C195-212 Page 762 To insert an Objective COS4 - Objective 19 To ensure that all public all-weather pitches provided by South Dublin Co Co, cater for all team sports and are large enough to cater for a full size GAA pitch.


 The contents of this Motion are noted and acknowledged. The motion refers to the addition of a new Objective under COS4 Objective 19 which will be read as follows:

“To ensure that all public all-weather pitches provided by South Dublin Co Co, cater for all team sports and are large enough to cater for a full size GAA pitch”.

It is noted that the Draft Plan contains a number of Objectives to facilitate sports pitches and related facilities, outlined as follows:

COS4 Objective 1: 

To promote the provision and management of high-quality, multi-functional, sport and recreational infrastructure across the County to meet existing and future needs, to include sports hubs and multi-sport astro-pitches, in accordance with the South Dublin County Council Sports Pitch Strategy (2020), the National Sports Policy (2018-2027) and the aims of the South Dublin County Sports Partnership, consistent with RPO 9.15 of the RSES.  

COS4 Objective 11:

“To facilitate as far as possible all sports played by the citizens of South Dublin County including rugby, recognising the growing numbers taking part in the sport and the particular requirements of the game in terms of pitches”. 

The detail of playing pitches are matters for the Council’s Sport Pitch Strategy (2020) and the Public Realm Department of the Council. The Council’s Sport Pitch Strategy supports flexibility in size of all weather pitches to facilitate their delivery in more urban areas where space restrictions may apply. It is considered that this motion should not be adopted as it would introduce a standard which is the optimum for a single sport, beyond what is required for many sports, including training pitches and junior pitches for the GAA, and compromise the flexibility to deliver Astro pitches as and where they are required in line with the Council’s Sports Pitch Strategy. 

CE Recommendation: It is recommended that this motion is not adopted