Tuesday, March 01, 2022
MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole
Motion in the names of Cllrs Paul Gogarty, Liona O'Toole, Guss O'Connell Ref: SD-C195-256 Department of Education & Skills Page 791 To amend the CE Recommendation creating a new COS8 Objective 11 by adding the following after "feasible": ", while not diminishing the need for other facilities within the school grounds that could be shared with the community outside school hours as per COS8 Objective 8". to read COS8 Objective 11: To promote and support the use of public sports facilities by urban schools, during school hours, where feasible, while not diminishing the need for other facilities within the school grounds that could be shared with the community outside school hours as per COS8 Objective 8."
The motion looks to amend the CE Recommendation of COS8 Objective 11 by adding the following after "feasible": ", while not diminishing the need for other facilities within the school grounds that could be shared with the community outside school hours as per COS8 Objective 8”.
In their submission, the Department of Education noted COS8 Objective 8 which states:
COS8 Objective 8:
To promote and support schemes that facilitate the shared use of school facilities, particularly at planning stage, such as sports halls, ball courts and all-weather pitches for community use outside of school hours and to support the co-location of pre and after-school childcare facilities on new primary school developments and to promote this using the Council’s land management and ownership policy. (See also Policy COS4 Objective 4).
The Department was of the view that equally urban schools should be able to share public sports facilities during school hours. This was considered a reasonable approach to the sharing of facilities between schools and sports / community facilities and the CE Recommended that the following new objective be inserted to support this cross-sharing:
COS8 Objective 11:
To promote and support the use of public sports facilities by urban schools, during school hours, where feasible
Objective COS8 Objective 8 and the proposed new COS8 Objective 11 are further supported in the Draft Plan by
COS4 Objective 4:
To support and encourage the co-location and sharing of community and sporting facilities within the County where feasible. (See also Policy COS8 Objective 8).
This motion seeks to further amend the new objective COS8 Objective 11 as follows:
To promote and support the use of public sports facilities by urban schools, during school hours, where feasible, while not diminishing the need for other facilities within the school grounds that could be shared with the community outside school hours as per COS8 Objective 8.
It is considered that the proposed amendment can be incorporated into the objective.
CE Recommendation: It is recommended that this motion is adopted so that an amended new objective is inserted into the Draft Plan to read:
To promote and support the use of public sports facilities by urban schools, during school hours, where feasible, while not diminishing the need for other facilities within the school grounds that could be shared with the community outside school hours as per COS8 Objective 8.