Tuesday, March 01, 2022
MOTION: Councillor P. Kearns
This motion refers to Chapter 2, Page 326, Submission SD-C195-204
To change the wording of the CE Recommendation on the SLO for the Spawell.
Provision in the form of shop-local or shop neighbourhood to no more than 3 units which will not include a large Supermarket,
Provision in the form of shop-local or shop-neighbourhood to no more than 5 units which will not include a supermarket larger than 800 m2
Rational. The Spawell Complex is adjacent to a vibrant local centre which currently caters for the needs of the local community. In my opinion to grant anything larger than my recommendation above could potentially damage local traders. However, there is currently several small businesses operating on the site complex and we need to protect them as well as they to provide a valuable service to the community.
The motion proposes to amend the wording of the Specific Local Objective (SLO), EDE 14 SLO 1, recommended on the subject lands at the Spawell.
The motion proposes the following wording changes to read:
To support the redevelopment of 3.27ha on lands zoned LC to the southeast corner of the Spawell Sports and Leisure Centre, Wellington Lane, Templeogue to provide for sports club/facility and for uses indicated as permitted in principle under the LC zoning other than residential and petrol station and limiting retail provision in the form of shop local or shop-neighbourhood to no more than 3 units which will not include a large supermarket.
To support the redevelopment of 3.27ha on lands zoned LC to the southeast corner of the Spawell Sports and Leisure Centre, Wellington Lane, Templeogue to provide for sports club/facility and for uses indicated as permitted in principle under the LC zoning other than residential and petrol station and limiting retail provision in the form of shop local or shop-neighbourhood to no more than 3 5 units which will not include a supermarket larger than 800m2.
This issue was submitted to the Draft Plan through the public consultation under submission SD-C195-204 and the Chief Executive responded under Chapter 2 Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy – Centre Type Rezoning Submission, pg328-329.
The area of 3.27ha recommended for rezoning to Local Centre is large in comparison to other local centres in the County where the average size of a Local Centre is 1.06ha and within the Templeogue / Walkinstown / Rathfarnham / Firhouse Neighbourhood in which the Spawell is located, it would be the largest in land area. It is further noted that Motion 73865 has proposed to increase the Local Centre zoning to 3.94 hectares and it has been recommended that this motion is not adopted as it may have potential negative impacts for other Local Centres such as the nearby Orwell Park Local Centre. It is contended that if the entire Local Centre zoned area were it to be built out with retail to its full extent, it is considered that it would unfairly compete with existing local centres which are operating well and serve their local community. In this regard and given that many of the current uses on this part of the site are uses which accord with the local centre zoning, it was recommended that the LC zoning is accompanied with an SLO to limit the types of uses, particularly retail, with a cap on the size of a supermarket, which could be developed to ensure that the existing local centres are not being undermined.
The subject lands currently provide a range of established community uses and services. The Spawell is located amongst a number of large well established housing developments currently served primarily by Orwell local centre and Templeogue. The increase from three shop units to allow for five shop units and a supermarket of no more than 800sqm in size is generally considered acceptable given the established nature of uses on the subject lands and the immediate catchment while not being large enough to undermine the existing centres. It is considered however that the 800sqm should include a reference that the 800sqm refers to the gross retail floor area.
It recommended that the motion be adopted with amendment to read:
To support the redevelopment of 3.27ha on lands zoned LC to the southeast corner of the Spawell Sports and Leisure Centre, Wellington Lane, Templeogue to provide for sports club/facility and for uses indicated as permitted in principle under the LC zoning other than residential and petrol station and limiting retail provision in the form of shoplocal or shop-neighbourhood to no more than 5 units which may include a supermarket of no larger than 800sqm gross retail floor area.
CE Recommendation: It recommended that the motion be adopted with amendment to read from:
To support the redevelopment of 3.27ha on lands zoned LC to the southeast corner of the Spawell Sports and Leisure Centre, Wellington Lane, Templeogue to provide for sports club/facility and for uses indicated as permitted in principle under the LC zoning other than residential and petrol station and limiting retail provision in the form of shop local or shop-neighbourhood to no more than 3 units which will not include a large supermarket.
To support the redevelopment of 3.27ha on lands zoned LC to the southeast corner of the Spawell Sports and Leisure Centre, Wellington Lane, Templeogue to provide for sports club/facility and for uses indicated as permitted in principle under the LC zoning other than residential and petrol station and limiting retail provision in the form of shoplocal or shop-neighbourhood to no more than 5 units which may include a supermarket of no larger than 800sqm gross retail floor area.