South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, March 01, 2022


MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole

In the names of P Gogarty, G O'Connell, L, O'Toole Ref SD-C195-248 Four Districts Woodland Habitat Group and others, Chief Executive's Report Chapter 2: Core Strategy and Settlement Strategy, Residential Zoning Submission - Rathcoole Woodlands, pages 211-217 That this Council rezones the entire area of CS10 SLO1 as a High Amenity Area. (Documentation attached)


The proposed motion seeks to rezone the entire area of CS10 SLO 1 as Objective HA – High Amenity. It is noted that motions 73936 and 73808 are also making the same proposal. 

CS10 SLO1 was inserted into the Draft Plan in recognition that habitat assessments had identified potential Annex 1 habitat on lands that had been identified and zoned for residential use. CS10 SLO1 states: 

 To investigate the potential for alternative land uses for the lands currently zoned RES-N (To provide for new residential communities in accordance with approved area plans) and OS (To preserve and provide for open space and recreational amenities) as identified by the SLO on the CDP land use zoning map, having regard to protecting existing habitats, Biodiversity and the Rathcoole Woodlands, the need for social and affordable housing, community infrastructure and access. Following this assessment, and where alternative land use arrangements are identified in line with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area, to bring forward proposals for re-zoning.” 

On foot of CS10 SLO1 further detailed habitat assessments were carried out on the subject lands. The team of ecologists that comprehensively investigated the lands included a specialist with experience in the survey, assessment and monitoring of grassland and wetland habitats including Annex I Alluvial Woodlands and Annex I Lowland Hay Meadows. Of the approximately 28 hectares of lands investigated, approximately 8.9 hectares were found to accommodate Annex I habitats in the form of Alluvial Woodland (8 Ha.) and Lowland Hay Meadow (0.9 Ha.), which are of County to national ecological importance. 

Having full regard to the ecological findings and CS10 SLO 1, potential alternative land uses and a rezoning proposal for the subject lands were investigated to protect the Alluvial Woodlands and the Lowland Hay Meadow as well as other features of ecological value.  Specifically, the constraints and habitats within the study lands were investigated and mapped, so that areas sensitive to development could be identified and avoided within the context of the SLO. These included the identified Annex I habitats (Alluvial Woodland and Lowland Hay Meadow), flood risk zones, overhead power lines, underground services and other landscape/ecological features including water courses, hedgerows, springs, and wet grassland etc. 

As an outcome of these investigations, a preferred land use arrangement and re-zoning proposal was recommended by the Chief Executive and incorporated into Appendix 2A and 2B of the Chief Executives Report on Draft Plan Public Consultation. 

The preferred land use arrangement and re-zoning demonstrated that the local primary school, sports pitches, access arrangements and housing can be accommodated on the lands with:

 no net loss to Annex I Alluvial Woodland; 

no net loss to Annex I Lowland Hay Meadow;

no net loss to overall woodland; and the protection and incorporation of hedgerows, water courses, wet grasslands, and springs.  

The preferred land use concept retains 7.6ha of Alluvial Woodland (a reduction of 0.4ha along the north extent to facilitate access). However, as a compensatory measure for this loss it is proposed to supplement the existing woodland by providing for 1.8ha of new additional Alluvial Woodland. Further protection to the alluvial woodlands is included in the CE Report as part of the CE Recommendation on CS10 SLO1 where an SLO relating to the woodlands is proposed, to read: 

To ensure the protection and augmentation of the identified Alluvial Rathcoole Woodlands within the zoning RU, and in recognising their value as green infrastructure and the potential linkages to Lugg Woods and Slade Valley and other amenity areas, provide for sensitive passive amenity uses which have regard to their Annex 1 status.’ 

It is noted that this SLO is subject to a proposed amendment under Motion 73889 which proposes the addition of the word ‘adequate’ and to add potential designations under the Wildlife Acts and Habitats Directive. 

Furthermore, in response to Motion 73889, the CE has recommended that the Alluvial Woodlands at Rathcoole are explicitly included with an associated objective in the Camac River Corridor of the Green Infrastructure (GI) Strategy to read: 

‘To preserve and protect the Alluvial Woodlands at Rathcoole within the zoning RU as an environmentally sensitive area for biodiversity and ecosystems services of importance having full regard to their Annex 1 status.’ 

Alongside existing policy and objectives within the Draft Plan, this will provide significant protections for the woodlands, similar to a pNHA designation which is also protected through policy and objectives in the Development Plan. 

The proposed motion to rezone the entire study lands to HA, would preclude any development on the lands and the carefully considered and sensitive multi-disciplinary approach to deliver much needed social and affordable housing and community facilities while minimising disturbance to important habitats and features. 

To designate the entirety of the area as zoning Objective HA would preclude the delivery of playing pitches, a local primary school (currently in temporary accommodation), a library hub and social and affordable housing on lands that do not have the same ecological importance as the adjacent Alluvial Woodlands and Hay Meadow. It is considered the recommended rezoning of the alluvial woodland lands to RU amending the Draft Plan zoning of RES-N, the inclusion of an SLO on the RU lands to protect the woodlands, the proposed recognition of the Alluvial Woodlands with an associated objective in the GI Strategy, together with the supporting policies and objectives within the Draft Plan, recognise the significant ecological value of this area, and comprehensively provides for the protection and enhancement of the same whilst still facilitating an area of RES-N zoning within the study lands for much needed social and affordable housing, primary school and community and sporting facilities.  

CE Recommendation: It is recommended that the motion is not adopted.