Tuesday, March 01, 2022
MOTION: Councillor Joanna Tuffy
Chapter 8 SD-C195-55 St. Patrick's Mental Health Services Page 782 of the CE Report re St. Patrick's Hospital submission
To amend the CE Recommendation from:
NCBH7 SLO2: To work in collaboration with the owners of St Patricks Hospital lands at St Edmundsbury, Lucan in the preparation of a Masterplan to examine the potential for the future provision of mental health services and accommodation on the existing hospital campus lands. The Masterplan will have full regard to the setting and integrity of the Protected Structures on the lands, the highly sensitive environmental characteristics of the site in relation to the Liffey Valley and Green Infrastructure principles and the need to provide appropriate public access to the lands
To work in collaboration with the owners of St Patricks Hospital lands at St Edmundsbury, Lucan in the preparation of a Masterplan to examine the potential for the future provision of mental health services and accommodation on the existing hospital campus lands. The Masterplan will have full regard to the setting and integrity of the Protected Structures on the lands, the highly sensitive environmental characteristics of the site in relation to the Liffey Valley and Green Infrastructure principles and the need to provide appropriate public access including an area of accessible public realm within the lands and connectivity to adjacent lands to further the overall objective of developing a Liffey Valley public park
The contents of this Motion are noted and acknowledged. The motion refers to making amendments to the CE Recommendation NCBH7 SLO2 to include the following wording:
To work in collaboration with the owners of St Patricks Hospital lands at St Edmundsbury, Lucan in the preparation of a Masterplan to examine the potential for the future provision of mental health services and accommodation on the existing hospital campus lands. The Masterplan will have full regard to the setting and integrity of the Protected Structures on the lands, the highly sensitive environmental characteristics of the site in relation to the Liffey Valley and Green Infrastructure principles and the need to provide appropriate public access including an area of accessible public realm within the lands and connectivity to adjacent lands to further the overall objective of developing a Liffey Valley public park.
It is considered the following Objectives from Chapter 3 – Natural, Cultural and Built Heritage address the proposed amendments this motion is referring to by way of NCBH7 Objective 4, 6, 7 and 8 which states:
NCBH7 Objective 4:
To facilitate and support the development of the Liffey Valley (Zoning Objective ‘HA – LV’) as an interconnected green space and park in collaboration with Dublin City Council, Fingal County Council, Kildare County Council, the OPW and other State agencies, existing landowners, community groups and sectoral and commercial interests in accordance with the Ministerial Order for the Liffey Valley SAAO by:
Carrying out a study of the lands that comprise Liffey Valley inclusive of the Special Amenity Area Order (SAAO) and adjacent lands;
Investigating and determining, as part of the study, viable and appropriate uses to support and facilitate the development of a Regional Park (Liffey Valley Park), with particular emphasis on enhancing the recreation, amenity value and accessibility of the area while protecting the valley’s biodiversity and enhancing the green infrastructure network;
Identifying and designating, as part of the study, possible future new pedestrian routes and footbridge locations in accordance with ‘Towards a Liffey Valley Park’ (2007) or any superseding plan, including potential permissive access routes.
Universal accessibility for all should be balanced with ensuring that environmental and built heritage sensitivities are not negatively impacted upon.
NCBH7 Objective 6:
To actively pursue the extension of publicly owned lands, either by direct purchase or land swap within and adjacent to the Liffey Valley Special Amenity Area to create a linked series of park land and open spaces.
NCBH7 Objective 7:
To work in collaboration with the owners of lands along the length of the river to seek to provide appropriate public access.
NCBH7 Objective 8:
To facilitate the development of Council owned lands adjacent to the Hermitage Clinic and elsewhere within the Liffey Valley as publicly accessible parkland and Green Infrastructure links as appropriate.
In line with the provisions of the above Objectives, the amendment is considered acceptable.
CE Recommendation: It is recommended that this motion is adopted.
To amend the CE Recommendation NCBH7 SLO2 to read:
“To work in collaboration with the owners of St Patricks Hospital lands at St Edmundsbury, Lucan in the preparation of a Masterplan to examine the potential for the future provision of mental health services and accommodation on the existing hospital campus lands. The Masterplan will have full regard to the setting and integrity of the Protected Structures on the lands, the highly sensitive environmental characteristics of the site in relation to the Liffey Valley and Green Infrastructure principles and the need to provide appropriate public access including an area of accessible public realm within the lands and connectivity to adjacent lands to further the overall objective of developing a Liffey Valley public park”.