South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, March 01, 2022


MOTION: Councillor William Joseph Carey, Councillor Derren Ó Brádaigh

SD- C195-266 Chapter 8, Page 740- 741, - Chapter Social/Community Infrastructure To insert a new objective; 'To liaise with the Health Service Executive and all relevant bodies to support, promote and attract potential GP, Dental, Pharmacy and all other necessary medical services, to locate within the Adamstown and Clonburris SDZ's, in order to urgently meet basic growing healthcare demands of the community'. Submitted By: Cllr Derren Ó Brádaigh & Cllr William Carey


This motion has a request to insert a new objective to liaise with the Health Service Executive to support, promote and attract potential GP, Dental, Pharmacy and all other necessary medical services, to locate within the Adamstown and Clonburris SDZ's, in order to urgently meet basic growing healthcare demands of the community' 

The Development Plan outlines Objectives regarding Healthcare Facilities set out in Chapter 8 Section 8.8 – Healthcare Facilities. 

It is considered that the following Policies and Objectives address this proposed new objective. 

Policy COS6: Healthcare Facilities 

Support the Health Service Executive (HSE) in their aim to provide access to a range of quality health services, in line with Sláintecare and relative to the scale of each settlement and community, and facilitate other statutory and voluntary agencies, and the private sector in the provision of healthcare facilities and services, including the system of hospital care and the provision of community based primary care facilities appropriate to the size and scale of each settlement. 

COS6 Objective 2:  

To promote healthcare facilities of an appropriate scale to be provided in new communities on a phased basis in tandem with the delivery of housing, in accordance with the phasing requirements of Local Area Plans and approved Planning Schemes and in locations that are accessible by public transport, walking and cycling. 

Similarly, this is addressed by way of Social/Community Infrastructure Objectives as follows: 

COS2 Objective 1:  

To support the provision of a wide range of community facilities and to ensure that such facilities are provided in new and existing communities in tandem with housing development, with special consideration for period of review to adapt to the needs of an increasingly multi-cultured and diverse community, in accordance with the phasing requirements of Local Area Plans and Planning Schemes. 

COS2 Objective 2:  

To continue to work closely with the Health Service Executive, Department of Education and Skills and the relevant public bodies and state agencies to meet the necessary provision of primary care centres, childcare facilities, schools, community centres and public open space according to the standards set out in section 8.4.1 of this Plan. 

These objectives will apply equally across the County.  

It is noted that the issue of Healthcare facilities is addressed within the Clonburris SDZ Planning Scheme 2019 as follows: 

“Healthcare provision encompasses a range of services, from small scale medical surgeries to district level facilities. The Planning Scheme recognises the importance of the provision of healthcare services in Clonburris in tandem with population and supports the Health Service Executive (HSE) and other agencies in the provision of appropriate healthcare facilities, including the provision of community based primary care facilities. Large medical centres and group practices will be favourably considered and accommodated in Clonburris Urban Centre and Kishoge Urban Centre. The phasing for the Scheme requires the provision of a primary health care centre. The centre should facilitate teams of multidisciplinary professionals (i.e. GPs, nurses, therapists, home care services, social workers) to serve the needs of the population. Small scale medical surgeries/practices (doctor/dentist/physiotherapist etc) are also supported in the Planning Scheme, subject to compliance with the urban hierarchy and priority location principles. Provision of small scale medical surgeries in residential areas are open for consideration”. 

In the Adamstown SDZ, a Health Care Centre is required as part of the phasing requirements of the Adamstown Planning Scheme. ?The Planning Authority has facilitated pre planning consultation on the change of use of a building in the SDZ to accommodate same and the developers are working with the HSE to deliver. ? 

The Planning Schemes for the Adamstown and Clonburris SDZ form part of the Development Plan for the County and an independent objective in the Development Plan is not required. Any contrary provisions in the Development is superseded by the content of the Planning Scheme.  

Given that both Planning Schemes, Adamstown and Clonburris, contain objectives for health centres and that the schemes form part of the Development Plan and supersede the Development Plan where there is conflict, the inclusion of further objectives in the Development Plan would be superfluous 

CE Recommendation:  It is recommended that this motion is not adopted.