South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, March 01, 2022


MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole

Motion in the names of Cllrs Paul Gogarty, Liona O'Toole, Guss O'Connell Ref: SD-C195-256 Department of Education & Skills page 789 Amend Chief Executive's recommended changes to COS8 Objective 3 from: Recommended COS8 Objective 3: That suitable school places are available to new communities, whether at an existing school or a new school. If a new school is required, to ensure that its delivery is planned in tandem with the delivery of the residential development, in accordance with the phasing requirements of Local Area Plans and Planning Schemes or as may be otherwise required. To read: To require schools to be provided in new communities on a phased basis in tandem with the delivery of residential development, unless the Department of Education requests otherwise and provides evidence to the Council and the elected members that existing schools can cater for requirements through extensions if necessary. Assuming a new school is required, to ensure that its delivery is planned in tandem with the delivery of the residential development, in accordance with the phasing requirements of Local Area Plans and Planning Schemes or as may be otherwise required.


The motion refers to COS 8 Objective 3 and requests that it be amended to read as follows:   

COS8 Objective 3:  

To require schools to be provided in new communities on a phased basis in tandem with the delivery of residential development, unless the Department of Education requests otherwise and provides evidence to the Council and the elected members that existing schools can cater for requirements through extensions if necessary. Assuming a new school is required, to ensure that its delivery is planned in tandem with the delivery of the residential development, in accordance with the phasing requirements of Local Area Plans and Planning Schemes or as may be otherwise required. 

This motion is looking for schools to be delivered in tandem with residential development unless evidence from the Department of Education proves that existing schools can cater to the existing demand through school extensions. It is noted in the current Chief Executive's recommendation COS8 Objective 3 that if a school is required that its delivery is planned in tandem with delivery of residential development. The wording for the Chief Executive Recommendation arose from the Department of Education (DoE) submission. The DoE had stated that previous wording “could be interpreted as a requirement for a new school for every new community. While this is often the situation, it can also arise that the needs of a new community can be met at an existing school (by redevelopment or extension). This again underscores the importance of the existing network and the need to protect it”.  

The provision of schools is a matter for the Dept of Education and engagement with the local authority, which they state in their submission: 

“School accommodation requirements across the county will continue to be kept under review. In that regard, the Department welcomes the ongoing engagement with South Dublin County Council and will continue to work closely with the Council in meeting the challenges associated with the provision of new schools and the redevelopment /extension of existing schools”. 

They also state: 

The Department’s policy is to intensively use the sites of existing schools so that their potential is maximized to meet educational requirements. This is in order to meet future educational requirements arising from infill and compact development in existing settlements. It is necessary to protect existing schools and the lands around them in order to be able to meet future needs. The optimum way to meet a future need may necessitate extending an existing school or developing a new school alongside an existing school to form a campus arrangement”. 

It notable that Policy COS8(b) refers to the existing MOU between the Council and the Department of Education which has operated successfully over the last number of years, the objective of which was to ensure local authority input to the decisions of the Department. Both will continue to engage in order to ensure the provision of adequate school places.  

Policy COS8(b) states:    

Engage with the Department of Education and Skills and support the Department’s School Building Programme by actively identifying sites for primary and post primary schools at suitable locations, based on forecast need.  

In relation to school provision, South Dublin County Council has engaged with the Department of Education on school provision in the County for a number of years through a Memorandum of Understanding which enables the delivery of much needed schools in the County. This MOU has been extremely successful in the delivery of schools across the County in recent years. As part of the preparation of the Draft Plan there was extensive engagement with the Department and examination of future needs based on the projected population growth over the period of the Plan and beyond. The indication of school sites on the Draft Plan maps and associated objectives is the outcome of that engagement. The Department’s submission to the Draft Plan fully reflects the consultations with the Planning Department which took place as part of the preparation of the Draft Plan. Those consultations examined each neighbourhood area within the County and based on projected growth set out in the core strategy the need for schools over the plan period and beyond was assessed. This has resulted in the identification of sites for schools to meet the projected need. In the one case where a school site was identified as being needed but a site was not identified an objective was inserted into the Draft Plan to make it clear that a site was needed. This has been recognised by the DoE’s submission. 

Therefore, the continuous liaison between the Planning Department and the DoE is sufficient to ensure the delivery of schools and it would not be appropriate for the Department to have to engage directly with Councillors on their operational matters. The Planning Department will continue to provide updates to the Councillors on the delivery of schools as required and / or requested.  

CE Recommendation: It is recommended that this motion is not adopted.