South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, March 01, 2022


MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole

4. Motion in the names of Cllr Liona O'Toole, Guss O'Connell, Paul Gogarty Re: Submission SD-C195-245 (NTA) Pg 96 Motion seeks to add in 'PERIHERAL ROADS WITHIN THE COUNTY INCLUDING' Amend CE proposed wording from: Description - New road from the N7 to the N4 with a potential extension to the N81. New Road to link between the N7 and the N4 Leixlip Interchange with a route by-pass function around Rathcoole and Saggart and the potential for a further extension of this route from the N7 to the N81. The function of this route would be to provide resilience to the M50, in particular between the N7 and N4 and further connections and possible alternative routes will be determined through the review of the NTA's GDA Strategy and in consultation with TII and relevant local authorities. In any such route a primary objective of South Dublin County Council shall be to protect environmentally sensitive areas including the scenic Liffey Valley parklands, and amenities at Lucan Demesne and St Catherine's Park and Lucan Village and no proposals to continue a road over these lands will be considered To: New Road to link between the N7 and the N4 Leixlip Interchange with a route by-pass function around Rathcoole and Saggart and the potential for a further extension of this route from the N7 to the N81. The function of this route would be to provide resilience to PERIHERAL ROADS WITHIN THE COUNTY INCLUDING the M50, in particular between the N7 and N4 and further connections and possible alternative routes will be determined through the review of the NTA's GDA Strategy and in consultation with TII and relevant local authorities. In any such route a primary objective of South Dublin County Council shall be to protect environmentally sensitive areas including the scenic Liffey Valley parklands, and amenities at Lucan Demesne and St Catherine's Park and Lucan Village and no proposals to continue a road over these lands will be considered


The motion seeks that the following wording be added to table 7.5 Six Year Road Programme for the Western Dublin Orbital Route under Function - 'peripheral roads within the county including' to read as follows: 

‘New Road to link between the N7 and the N4 Leixlip Interchange with a route by-pass function around Rathcoole and Saggart and the potential for a further extension of this route from the N7 to the N81. The function of this route would be to provide resilience to peripheral roads within the county including the M50, in particular between the N7 and N4 and further connections and possible alternative routes will be determined through the review of the NTA's GDA Strategy and in consultation with TII and relevant local authorities. In any such route a primary objective of South Dublin County Council shall be to protect environmentally sensitive areas including the scenic Liffey Valley parklands, and amenities at Lucan Demesne and St Catherine's Park and Lucan Village and no proposals to continue a road over these lands will be considered.’

Requests for the description and function of this road proposal to be amended were submitted to the Draft Plan through the public consultation period under submissions SD-C195-270, SD-C195-248, SD-C195-255 and under the National Transport Authority under submission SD-C195-245 and the Chief Executive responded under section 2.3 and Chapter 7: Road Network pgs. 699-701 recommending that the Description and Function be amended to read as follows: 

Description - New road from the N7 to the N4 with a potential extension to the N81.

Function - New Road to link between the N7 and the N4 Leixlip Interchange with a route by-pass function around Rathcoole and Saggart and the potential for a further extension of this route from the N7 to the N81. The function of this route would be to provide resilience to the M50 in particular between the N7 and N4 and further connections and possible alternative routes will be determined through the review of the NTA’s GDA Strategy and in consultation with TII and relevant local authorities.

In any such route a primary objective of South Dublin County Council shall be to protect environmentally sensitive areas including the scenic Liffey Valley parklands, and amenities at Lucan Demesne and St Catherine’s Park and Lucan Village and no proposals to continue a road over these lands will be considered.

The NTA have made clear in their submission that the primary function of this route would be to provide resilience to the operation of the M50 incorporating provision for sustainable transport along its length. It was also pointed out that any such road proposal would have to be protected from inappropriate forms of development which might compromise these functions. 

While any route may have some secondary effects in providing alternative transport and route options this is not its main purpose should it be funded. The roll-out of BusConnects and a Luas to Lucan, in addition to upgrading of the rail service as far as the Celbridge-Hazelhatch station are key actions in improving transport options for the settlements in this area. They also align with wider policy to encourage the switch to public transport and reduce the climate impact of transport. 

Having regard to the above, and the stated function of any outer western route by the NTA, it is considered that an amendment to the proposed description of the road in Table 7.5 to go some way towards the intent of the motion should be inserted.

CE Recommendation: It is recommended that this motion is adopted with amendment and that Table 7.5 be amended such that the description in Table 7.5 Six Year Road programme relating to the Western Dublin Orbital Route reads as follows: 

New Road to link between the N7 and the N4 Leixlip Interchange with a route by-pass function around Rathcoole and Saggart and the potential for a further extension of this route from the N7 to the N81. The function of this route would be primarily to provide resilience to the M50, recognising that this may also provide additional resilience to peripheral roads within the county, in particular between the N7 and N4  and further connections and possible alternative routes will be determined through the review of the NTA's GDA Strategy and in consultation with TII and relevant local authorities. 

In any such route a primary objective of South Dublin County Council shall be to protect environmentally sensitive areas including the scenic Liffey Valley parklands, and amenities at Lucan Demesne and St Catherine's Park and Lucan Village and no proposals to continue a road over these lands will be considered.