South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, March 01, 2022


MOTION: Councillor Yvonne Collins

7.This motion relates to Chapter 4: Green infrastructure, Submission SDCC-C195-279 on page 392 (or page 389) of the plan. Amend GI2 Objective 9: To "examine and" exploit "where appropriate" the full potential of "dumps and quarries as well as" existing underutilised perimeter and border park spaces through the augmentation of wild grasses and other naturally occurring vegetation that enhance local area biodiversity and habitats in support of the National Pollinator Plan and to consider wildflower meadows where beneficial to biodiversity.'


The motion seeks the amendment of GI2 Objective 9. 

GI2 Objective 9 states as follows: 

To exploit the full potential of existing underutilised perimeter and border park 

spaces through the augmentation of wild grasses and other naturally occurring 

vegetation that enhance local area biodiversity and habitats in support of the 

National Pollinator Plan and to consider wildflower meadows where beneficial 

to biodiversity.’ 


The motion seeks to amend the wording as follows; 

GI2 Objective 9: 

To examine and exploit where appropriate the full potential of dumps and quarries as well as existing underutilised perimeter and border parkspaces through the augmentation of wild grasses and other naturally occurring vegetation that enhance local area biodiversity and habitats in support of the National Pollinator Plan and to consider wildflower meadows where beneficial to biodiversity. 

It is noted that ‘dumps’ are sites, often unauthorised, for depositing unwanted material. The use of the word dump in the context of this objective is not appropriate and also does not provide clarification as to the circumstances in which rewilding might be appropriate. The only situation where re-wilding might be appropriate is where the use of an authorized landfill site has ceased and where the waste remains on site. This typically requires installing an engineered cap, a leachate containment or drainage system, and landfill gas extraction structures (gas burned off at a flare, collected for energy generation or released through passive gas vents), with aftercare management of the site extending over many years. The latter includes ongoing management and monitoring for leachate and gas, until the site stabilises and no longer poses a threat to public health or the environment. The process of reinstatement of the site is a matter for the EPA and the planning application process. Potential for re-wilding/planting may be one option for the future use of the site. However, this is a matter for the Development Management Process. It is considered that the objective may be amended to allow for the examination of re-wilding as an option for the future use of the site as part of the development management process. 

The Quarries Act of 1955 defines quarry as follows;  

 “an excavation or system of excavations made for the purpose of, or in connection with, the getting of minerals (whether in their natural state or in solution or suspension) or products of minerals, being neither a mine nor merely a well or bore-hole or a well and bore-hole combined. 

The planning requirements relating to ‘quarry’ developments are set out in Section 261 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 which requires quarries to be registered. The registration process generally involved the attachment of conditions of which one would relate to reinstatement or restoration in some form. Similarly, quarries are subject to the Development Management process where reinstatement or restoration conditions are attached. The aim of any natural restoration plan is to restore ecological balance and to produce self-sustaining plant and wildlife communities and habitats. Old quarry sites can create both terrestrial and wetland habitats for wildlife, significantly contributing to Ireland’s biodiversity. However, each site is assessed for reinstatement/restoration based on its unique conditions which are assessed as part of the development management process.  

It is considered appropriate to amend the wording to provide for the examination of these alternatives as part of the Development Management Process. 

CE Recommendation:  It is recommended that the motion be amended so that GI2 Objective 9 reads: 

To examine where appropriate the full potential of landfill sites and quarries as well as existing underutilised perimeter and border parkspaces through the augmentation of wild grasses and other naturally occurring vegetation that enhance local area biodiversity and habitats in support of the National Pollinator Plan and to consider wildflower meadows where beneficial to biodiversity.