South Dublin County Council Crest


Tuesday, March 01, 2022


MOTION: Councillor G. O'Connell, Councillor P. Gogarty, Councillor L. O'Toole

Motion in the names of Cllrs Paul Gogarty, Guss O'Connell, Liona O'Toole Ref: SD-C195-256 Department of Education & Skills Page 793 - multiple submissions regarding school place provision based on Census 2016 and current population projections That a new Policy COS8(c) be created: To review school site provision in the Development Plan, following the publication of full Census 2022 results, cross referencing with class size allocations being used during the period in question, engaging with the Department of Education and Skills, the Elected Members and through submissions by education stakeholders and the general public so as to ensure accurate and adequate school provision requirements are identified and provided for primary and post primary schools at suitable locations.


The contents of this Motion are noted and acknowledged. The motion refers to the addition of a new Policy under COS8(c) which would read as follows: 

‘To review school site provision in the Development Plan, following the publication of full Census 2022 results, cross referencing with class size allocations being used during the period in question, engaging with the Department of Education and Skills, the Elected Members and through submissions by education stakeholders and the general public so as to ensure accurate and adequate school provision requirements are identified and provided for primary and post primary schools at suitable locations’. 

Policy COS8(a) and COS8(b) are as follows: 

Policy COS8(a):   

Work in conjunction with the Department of Education and Skills to promote and support the provision of primary and post-primary schools in the County to reflect the diverse educational needs of communities.  

Policy COS8(b):    

Engage with the Department of Education and Skills and support the Department’s School Building Programme by actively identifying sites for primary and post primary schools at suitable locations, based on forecast need. 

This motion is looking for the introduction of a new Policy COS8(c) to review school site provision following the publication of the Census 2022 to ensure accurate and adequate school provision requirements are identified and provided for primary and post primary schools at suitable locations. It is considered that Policy COS8(b) refers to the Council and the Department of Education engagement to basing the identification of school sites on forecast need.  

Policy COS8(b) refers to the existing MOU between the Council and the Department of Education which has operated successfully over the last number of years, the objective of which was to ensure local authority input to the decisions of the Department. The objective clearly indicates that the Council will engage with the Department to ensure the identification of school sites to facilitate adequate school places. 

The submission to the Draft Plan by the Department of Education refers to having “regard to the longer-term framework because population and housing targets are the key driver in considering likely school requirements”.  

The Department’s submission follows close liaison between the Department and the forward planning team as part of the preparation of the Draft Plan. This involved close examination of the needs of each school catchment and neighbourhood based on projected population set out under the National Planning Framework and Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy and reflected in the Core Strategy of the Development Plan.  

The Department of Education, in addition to the data provided by South Dublin, uses a variety of data to inform their school programme. This includes their on-going assessment of the need for additional school places as part of their nationwide demographic review (NDR) carried out in each Schools Planning Area within the County.  

The DoE use a Geographical Information System (with data from the CSO, OSI and Department of Social Protection in addition to D0E’s own databases) to identify where pressure for additional primary and post-primary school places will arise and cater for same either via new schools or expansion of existing schools within the Department’s defined school planning zones. In determining secondary schools the DoE, in addition to the above data, rely on the information of primary schools and feeder schools to assess the demand by students. 

Based on its analysis, the Department has already anticipated that some requirements for additional educational accommodation may emerge over the lifetime of the Plan, should the projected population increases materialize. 

Further to this they conclude their Submission by stating: 

“Plans are currently underway for new school provision on identified sites in Citywest, Rathcoole, Clonburris, Adamstown and Firhouse. Separately, sites to cater for future projected school needs are zoned in Citywest, Tallaght, Clondalkin, Clonburris, Adamstown and Firhouse. There is also an identified potential increased requirement for Newcastle. Requirements are likely to emerge arising from the development at Naas Road during the period of the plan (up to 2028). Similarly, requirements may arise arising from infill development in the established urban areas and this will require engagement between the Department and the Council. Longer-term, the big regeneration projects at Naas Road and Tallaght will result in very significant populations in these areas with resulting educational requirements”. 

The Council will continue to monitor school delivery and work with the Department in the delivery of schools. The information in Census 2022 will be considered by the Department and will be informed by on-going liaison with the Planning Department, as part of on-going assessment.  

In line with the Policies outlined above and led by the methodology of the Department of Education, it is considered that the addition of a new Policy under COS8(c) is not required as the contents have been adequately addressed in the Plan. Any changes arising from the Census data will be considered as part of the continuous liaison between the Planning Department and the DoE. Should new schools or school extensions beyond that anticipated for the Development Plan 2022-2028 and beyond be required, the Department will be responsible for their inclusion in the schools programme so that they can be progressed through a planning application process in the normal way.  It would not be appropriate for the Department to have to engage directly with Councillors on their operational matters. The Planning Department will continue to provide updates to the Councillors on the delivery of schools as required and / or requested. 

CE Recommendation: It is recommended that this motion is not adopted.